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City Hamburg (HH)
Sporthalle der Stadtteilschule Horn
Horner Weg 89, 22111 Hamburg
Nation Germany
Date Feb 10, 2023
Timezone of venue Europe/Berlin (GMT 2)
Participation Participation is only allowed for persons which are members of a club of the organizing regional association.

It is not permitted to participate on multiple competitions per competition day.

Only one entry per athlete for each category is allowed.

Licence required A national licence is required for:
  • Participants
Quota The order of the incoming entries decides about the participation.
30 Per tournament
Federation Hamburger Fecht-Verband e.V.
Organizer Hamburger Fecht-Verband e.V.
Further information
View entries and results

Entries to:
until Feb 7, 2023, 11:59:00 PM Central European Standard Time only by: Club
Cancel until Feb 10, 2023, 12:00:00 PM Central European Standard Time

Begin Ends Events allowed Quota Entry fee
10.02. 17:30 20:45 Foil Open I from 8 years 1942 - 2014 €10.00
Epee Open I from 8 years 1942 - 2014 €10.00
Sabre Open I from 8 years 1942 - 2014 €10.00
Turnierreifeprüfung Foil Open from 8 years Individual
The competition examination consists of a theoretical part and three practical parts and is carried out by the examination staff authorised by the national association. The present testing staff may call in assistants to support them (e.g. evaluation of the theoretical part). However, they are still responsible for the overall examination and supervise the assistants.
The time allotment (ZA) for the competition examination is three hours.
Turnierreifeprüfung Epee Open from 8 years Individual
The competition examination consists of a theoretical part and three practical parts and is carried out by the examination staff authorised by the national association. The present testing staff may call in assistants to support them (e.g. evaluation of the theoretical part). However, they are still responsible for the overall examination and supervise the assistants.
The time allotment (ZA) for the competition examination is three hours.
Turnierreifeprüfung Sabre Open from 8 years Individual
The competition examination consists of a theoretical part and three practical parts and is carried out by the examination staff authorised by the national association. The present testing staff may call in assistants to support them (e.g. evaluation of the theoretical part). However, they are still responsible for the overall examination and supervise the assistants.
The time allotment (ZA) for the competition examination is three hours.
Payment Surcharge Remarks
Cash +€0.00 +0.00%
Head instructor / manager Lars Hagge, Markus Horschig
Directions We recommend getting to the venue by public transportation. There is only limited public parking available at the venue.
Catering No food is provided on site.

Die Prüfung wird für Teilnehmende ab Jahrgang 2012 empfohlen.

Die Prüfung findet auf Deutsch statt. Die Teilnahme an der Prüfung ist nur möglich, wenn vor Beginn folgende Unterlagen vorliegen:
- Vollständig ausgefüllter & unterschriebener Fechtkompass
- Vollständig ausgefüllter & unterschriebener Fechtpass inkl. DFB-Lizenz
- Bei Minderjährigen: gültiges ärztliches Attest
Die Fechtausrüstung muss den aktuellen Sicherheitsbestimmungen entsprechen.

Von jedem teilnehmenden Verein muss für die gesamte Dauer der Turnierreifeprüfung ein Trainer anwesend sein, andernfalls ist eine Teilnahme nicht möglich.

Nach dem Anmeldeschluss eingehende Anmeldungen können aus organisatorischen Gründen nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden.

17:00 Halle öffnet - Check-In (Trainer jew. für alle TN des Vereins)
17:20 Letzter Aufruf
17:30 Theorieprüfung
18:15 Aufwärmen
18:30 Beinarbeit
18:45 Partnerübung (inkl. Übung aus Fechtkompass)
19:30 Wettkampffechten
20:15 Bahnen abbauen, Fechtpässe ausgeben, Abschlussfoto
20:30 Ende der Prüfung, Trainernachbesprechung
20:45 Ende der Veranstaltung