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2023 Swedish Championships U20

City Kalmar (SY)
Kalmar Sportcenter, Smålandsgatan 21
Kalmar (SY)
Kalmar Sportcenter
Smålandsgatan 21
Nation Sweden
Date Mar 25, 2023 - Mar 26, 2023
Timezone of venue Europe/Stockholm (GMT 2)
Participation Only athletes who are a member of a club of the organizing country are allowed to participate.
The number of participants is unlimited.


It is not permitted to participate on multiple competitions per competition day.

Licence required
national licenceLicense level 1
  • Participants
Quota None

Referee qualification:

Minst distriktsdomare

Entries ind. Per club 5 - 8 9 - 12 13 - 16 17 - 20 21 - 24 25 +
Teams Per club 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 + + + +
Mandatory referees 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fine Per day SEK 2,000.00 SEK 2,000.00 SEK 2,000.00 SEK 2,000.00 SEK 2,000.00 SEK 2,000.00

Referees must be provided based on the total entries per day. They need to be distributed proportional to the entries of this day. They must be qualified judging disciplines proportionally to the entries for this discipline.

The referees activity is not paid by the organizer.

Federation Svenska Fäktförbundet
Club Kalmar Fäktklubb
Organizer Kalmar FK
Contact eller tel 070-633 31 55
Further information
View entries and results

Entries to:
until Mar 15, 2023, 11:00:00 PM Central European Standard Time only by: Club
Cancel until Mar 15, 2023, 11:00:00 PM Central European Standard Time

Day Entry desk close Begin Continued Finals Competition allowed Quota Entry fee
25.03. 08:00 08:30 Epee Women's I U20 2003 - 2016 SEK 250.00
Epee Men's I U20 2003 - 2016 SEK 250.00
09:00 09:30 Foil Women's I U20 2003 - 2016 SEK 250.00
Foil Men's I U20 2003 - 2016 SEK 250.00
09:30 10:00 Sabre Men's I U20 2003 - 2016 SEK 250.00
26.03. 08:00 08:30 Epee Women's T U20 2003 - 2016 SEK 500.00
Epee Men's T U20 2003 - 2016 SEK 500.00
08:30 09:00 Foil Men's T U20 2003 - 2016 SEK 500.00

Equipment check

Day Time Day Time Competition
24.03. 19:00 - 20:30 25.03. 07:30 - 09:00 Foil Women's U20 Individual
Foil Men's U20 Individual
- 08:00 Sabre Men's U20 Individual
26.03. 07:30 - 09:00 Foil Men's U20 Team

Referee meeting

Day Time Day Time Day Time Discipline
25.03. 08:15 26.03. 08:15    Epee
25.03. 08:15 26.03. 08:15    Foil
25.03. 08:15 26.03. 08:15    Sabre

Payment Surcharge Remarks
Plusgiro 108510-9 +SEK 0.00 +0.00% Meddela vem anmälningen avser
Cash +SEK 0.00 +0.00%
Late entry surcharge SEK 250.00 Per late entry
Competition manager Fredrik Dahlin:, tel 070-633 31 55
Head of referees Ulf Wikström:, tel 073- 322 06 65

O.11. Ranking
Initial ranking must be based on the current position in Swedish ranking. Participants not included in this ranking are ranked by the last participant with ranking points in a group in a random order.

O.12. competition formula
The competition will be conducted according to the same competition formula used for the Swedish senior championship (see O.8.).

O.13. Ranking
1. Initial ranking of participating teams shall take place after the previous year's results except in the case covered by item 3 below.
2. Enrichment will be done unless obviously changed its strength from the previous year.
3. If individual junior championships and junior championships in teams are organized the same weekend, the initial ranking of participating teams will be based on the results of the previous individual Swedish championships for juniors summarizing the placement figures for the three best placed fighters in each team. fencers who did not participate in the individual contest get the number immediately after the last placed fencer.
O.14. competition formula
1. If the ranking is based on points O.13.1 and O13.2, the competition shall be conducted in accordance with the same competition formula as the Swedish championships in teams for seniors (see O.10.).
2. If the ranking is based on item O.13.3, the contest shall be conducted with a direct direct elimination.
3. If the number of teams is no more than six, the competition must be determined by everyone meeting everyone in a poule.
4. In all pool fights, the number of wins and then the index determines victory or placement in the pool.
5. The championship will be conducted so that all teams qualifying for table of 16 (eighth finals) will be able to confirm the positions. It is desirable that the organizer makes it possible for the team to reject all placements, ie. even lower than 16.

Rules and legal

In Swedish fencing competitions, the International Fencing Federation (FIE) regulations and other statutes apply with amendments and additions according to SvFF competition rules.

At all Swedish competitions, the federation's code of conduct is in effect. Find the text here (in Swedish):


All participants are responsible for their own equipment.


A healthcare professional (trained in first aid, cardiovascular/pulmonary rescue and sports injuries) must be present at the competition venue. A special place for the competition's medical care function should be visible to all participants and clearly shown.


U17, U20, Sen o Vet:
Mask: FIE,
Vest: FIE,
Plastron: FIE,
Breeches: FIE,
Saber Glove: FIE,
Breast protection dam: Required (foil: FIE)
Blade: Standard
(At Nordic Championships, FIE blades are mandatory in senior category)
Max blade length: 5
Transparent body cord connectors and specific wiring through the guard connector!

Catering The Cafeteria is run by our club.