

22. sep. 2024 - The Youth Series #1
Florett Kvinner U14 Individuell
rank status name yob gender nation club

24. sep. 2023 - The Youth Series #1
Florett Kvinner U14 Individuell
rank status name yob gender nation club
1 N HAJDU Zita 2011 F GBR Kenilworth Sword Fencing Club
2 N BADRI Surabhi 2010 F GBR Kenilworth Sword Fencing Club
3 N HARESCEUGH-JONES Niamh 2010 F GBR Ashton Tameside Fencing Club

3. jul. 2022 - The Youth Series #3
Florett Kvinner U14 Individuell
rank status name yob gender nation club
1 N HO Sophie Kee Yiu 2008 F GBR Fencers Club London
2 N ALLARDICE Grace 2009 F GBR Cocks Moors Woods Fencing Club