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City Alsfeld (HE)
Sporthalle des TV Alsfeld
Jahnstraße 10
36304 Alsfeld
Nation Germany
Date Jan 26, 2025
Timezone of venue Europe/Berlin (GMT 1)
The number of participants is unlimited.

Die Teilnahme an der Prüfung ist für Mitglieder hessischer Fechtvereine kostenlos; die Fechtpässe
sind beim Hessischen Fechterverband gegen Gebühr erhältlich (siehe Abschnitt Fechtpass).

Licence required
National licenceLicense level 1
  • Participants
Quota None
Federation Hessischer Fechterverband e.V.
Organizer Ulrich Eisenträger
Contact 0172/7539028
Further information
View entries and results

Entries to:
until Jan 20, 2025, 11:59:00 PM Central European Standard Time only by: Club
Cancel until Jan 24, 2025, 4:00:00 PM Central European Standard Time

Begin Ends Events allowed Quota Entry fee
26.01. 10:00 12:00 Foil Open I any 1927 - 2018 €0.00
Epee Open I any 1927 - 2018 €0.00
Sabre Open I any 1927 - 2018 €0.00
Turnierreifeprüfung Foil Open any Individual
The competition examination consists of a theoretical part and three practical parts and is carried out by the examination staff authorised by the national association. The present testing staff may call in assistants to support them (e.g. evaluation of the theoretical part). However, they are still responsible for the overall examination and supervise the assistants.
The time allotment (ZA) for the competition examination is three hours.
Turnierreifeprüfung Epee Open any Individual
The competition examination consists of a theoretical part and three practical parts and is carried out by the examination staff authorised by the national association. The present testing staff may call in assistants to support them (e.g. evaluation of the theoretical part). However, they are still responsible for the overall examination and supervise the assistants.
The time allotment (ZA) for the competition examination is three hours.
Turnierreifeprüfung Sabre Open any Individual
The competition examination consists of a theoretical part and three practical parts and is carried out by the examination staff authorised by the national association. The present testing staff may call in assistants to support them (e.g. evaluation of the theoretical part). However, they are still responsible for the overall examination and supervise the assistants.
The time allotment (ZA) for the competition examination is three hours.
Payment Surcharge Remarks
Invoice - - The invoices are generated after the event based on actual results

The participants submit to the jurisdiction of the Hessischer Fechterverband e.V.


Manuelle Ausrüstung. Muss den DFB-Richtlinien der jeweiligen Altersklasse entsprechen. Ohne
korrekte Ausrüstung ist eine Teilnahme nicht möglich. Es wird ohne elektrische Ausrüstung

Catering No food is provided on site.

Fechtpassbestellungen bitte gemeinsam mit E-Mailmeldung an

Benennung der Prüfer zeitgleich zur Meldung an Je begonnene 6 Fechter ein Prüfer!

The "Fechtpass" of all candidates are to be filled out completely before the call and handed over for all members of a club by one representative. Fencing passes can be ordered by the clubs together with the registration at the Hessian
Fencing Association (Jan Tränkner, for a fee of EUR 20.00 per pass (on account) at least two weeks before the exam. The number of fencing passes ordered must correspond to the number of registered fencers.

Teilnahme für Fechter von HFV-Mitgliedsvereinen kostenlos, Fechter anderer Vereine zahlen 10,00 Euro pro Person.