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Vereins Rangliste

1 25827.68 Paul Davis Fencing Academy
2 7985.4 Shakespeare's Swords
3 6782.48 The Manchester Fencing Centre
4 5662 Stort Valley Sabre Club
5 5423.8 Camden Fencing Club
6 4545.6 Truro Fencing Club
7 4084.56 MX Fencing Club
8 1007.4 Wrexham Fencing Club
9 804 Skipton Fencing Club
10 766.28 Millfield School
11 760 Moreton Hall School
12 712 Salle Eton Fencing Club
13 613.16 Sheffield Hallam Fencing Club
14 570.8 Street Swords Fencing Club
15 555 KK Fencing Club
16 552.08 Whitgift School
17 504.16 Wrekin Sword Club
18 487 Salle Ossian
19 463 Cardiff Academy of Fencing
20 409.6 Manchester Grammar School Fencing Club
21 335.6 Espada Fencing Club
22 230 Liverpool Fencing Club
23 224 Stockport Sword Club
24 205.64 Bristol Blades
25 136.92 Portsmouth and Southsea FC
26 110 Taunton Deane Blades
27 101.92 Leicester Fencing Club
28 53.76 Stratford Swords
Platz Gesamt Name Nation Verein England Fencing Ranking 2022
Säbel Damen U14 Einzel
England Fencing Ranking 2022
Säbel Herren U14 Einzel
1 3714 LEARNER Henry GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 3714.0000
2 2771 LUCAS George GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 2771.0000
3 2650 SIBELIUS Etienne FIN Tapanilan Erä Miekkailujaosto, Truro Fencing Club 0 2650.0000
4 2490 WOO Hei Lim Jayden HKG Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 2490.0000
5 2300 SEZILLE Hui Xin GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 2300.0000 0
6 2164 HABENICHT Luz GBR Camden Fencing Club 0 2164.0000
7 2136 DMITRIEV George GBR Stort Valley Sabre Club 0 2136.0000
8 2090.6 ROBERTS Harry GBR Salle Paul Fencing Club, Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 2090.6000
9 1929.4 LYSEYKO Ashwyn GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 1929.4000
10 1929 BUXTON William GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 1929.0000
11 1836 GREENE Alexander GBR MX Fencing Club 0 1836.0000
12 1685.6 IRELAND Innes GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 1685.6000
13 1606 BERRY Emily GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 1606.0000 0
14 1570 FEREDAY Emily GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 1570.0000 0
15 1512 DAVIES Josh GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 1512.0000
16 1496 ONONAIYE Tosin GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 1496.0000 0
17 1444.4 KURUCZ Kende HUN Truro Fencing Club 0 1444.4000
18 1128 WELZEL Louis GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 1128.0000
19 1116 PEEHAL Simran GBR Stort Valley Sabre Club 1116.0000 0
20 1070 SHIMMIN Clara GBR MX Fencing Club 1070.0000 0
21 936.4 CHOI Maiya GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 936.4000 0
22 926.8 CHAN Lucas GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 0 926.8000
23 840 GARCIA-GHURAN Aidan GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 840.0000
24 822.6 HOBBS Zachary GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 822.6000
25 804 BROWN Nicole GBR Skipton Fencing Club 804.0000 0
26 800 WOOTEN Maryam GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 800.0000 0
27 785.4 WOODCOCK Alex GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 785.4000
28 784.4 MCDOUGALL Alicia GBR Camden Fencing Club 784.4000 0
29 760 HEWETT Oliver GBR Moreton Hall School 0 760.0000
30 713.8 WILSHER Oliver GBR Stort Valley Sabre Club 0 713.8000
31 712 LARIONOVA Anna-Emiliya IRL Salle Eton Fencing Club 712.0000 0
32 711.8 AZIZ-PICARDET Eva FRA Camden Fencing Club 711.8000 0
33 680 TIAN Cynthia GBR 680.0000 0
34 674.88 MACLEOD Austin GBR Stort Valley Sabre Club 0 674.8800
35 650 MOK Chun Kiu Jamie HKG Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 650.0000
36 644 WHITE John Henry GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 644.0000
37 634.68 WALMSLEY Thomas GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 0 634.6800
38 613.16 SCHUTH Hari GBR Sheffield Hallam Fencing Club 0 613.1600
39 604 SUTTON Maya GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 604.0000 0
40 513.6 FERNANDEZ Ruben GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 513.6000
41 496.8 CHENG Yuhao GBR MX Fencing Club 0 496.8000
42 475.2 HEDGCOCK Jem GBR Millfield School 0 475.2000
43 471 RIDER CUDIC Elektra GBR Camden Fencing Club 471.0000 0
44 463 HOWES Sophie GBR Cardiff Academy of Fencing 463.0000 0
45 434 ZHAO Dylan GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 0 434.0000
46 423 HEISZ-ERDELYI Bruno HUN Salle Ossian 0 423.0000
47 408 GREENWOOD Samantha GBR KK Fencing Club 408.0000 0
48 399.2 NEWMAN Yana GBR Camden Fencing Club 399.2000 0
49 371.24 WILSON Jack GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 371.2400
50 370.4 KHIANI Akaash GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 370.4000
51 364 FISHER Edward GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 364.0000
52 362.8 KABELIS Milena GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 362.8000 0
53 359 CHAMBERLAIN Hector GBR Camden Fencing Club 0 359.0000
54 358 IDDON Henry GBR Street Swords Fencing Club 0 358.0000
55 335.6 ELLIOTT Caragh GBR Espada Fencing Club 335.6000 0
56 320 MALIK Haris GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 0 320.0000
57 319 LEWANDOWSKA Klaudia GBR Stort Valley Sabre Club 319.0000 0
58 313 HALLIDAY Evie GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 313.0000 0
59 306 BIRD William GBR Wrexham Fencing Club 0 306.0000
60 303.56 MOORE Bobby Paul GBR Stort Valley Sabre Club 0 303.5600
61 299.2 VARUKUNNEL Jonathan GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 299.2000
62 291.52 FROST Thomas GBR Wrekin Sword Club 0 291.5200
63 291.08 WILDER Harry GBR Millfield School 0 291.0800
64 272 MCLEOD Isla GBR MX Fencing Club 272.0000 0
65 258.4 ROGERS Joseph GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 258.4000
66 252 CASTLEDEN Rupert GBR Truro Fencing Club 0 252.0000
67 237.4 HENDERSON William GBR 0 237.4000
68 235 BARNETT-QUAICOO Paa GBR Wrexham Fencing Club 0 235.0000
69 229.76 HUNTER-GARCIA Cristian GBR MX Fencing Club 0 229.7600
70 224 ELSEEHY Ahmed GBR Stockport Sword Club 0 224.0000
70 224 DONNACHIE Tyree GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 0 224.0000
72 221.6 CHOI Sebastian GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 0 221.6000
73 220 HABENICHT Keira GBR Camden Fencing Club 220.0000 0
74 216.4 GHABRIEL Philip GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 216.4000
75 211.64 GREENWOOD James GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 211.6400
76 198.72 CLOAKE Seb GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 198.7200
77 198 MAIRS Ben GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 198.0000
78 188 WALKER Dita GBR Stort Valley Sabre Club 188.0000 0
79 180 DAY Phoebe GBR MX Fencing Club 180.0000 0
80 176 BI Hengyuan GBR Manchester Grammar School Fencing Club 0 176.0000
80 176 LEVICK Rudy GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 0 176.0000
82 168 CLARKE Grace Lily GBR Wrekin Sword Club 168.0000 0
83 161.88 COMPTON Oisin GBR Stort Valley Sabre Club 0 161.8800
84 160 FAIRHURST Myles GBR Street Swords Fencing Club 0 160.0000
85 152.2 BRENNAN Jonathan GBR Whitgift School 0 152.2000
86 150.64 MCGAVIN Louie GBR Bristol Blades 0 150.6400
87 141.56 DHAWAN Aryan GBR Whitgift School 0 141.5600
88 141.4 BEADLE Edward GBR Wrexham Fencing Club 0 141.4000
89 136.92 SCOTT-ROBINSON Alfred GBR Portsmouth and Southsea FC 0 136.9200
90 132 MARSH Robson GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 132.0000
91 128 TRACEY Ewan GBR Manchester Grammar School Fencing Club 0 128.0000
92 126 WYPORSKI-WOODLEY Arkady GBR Camden Fencing Club 0 126.0000
92 126 BEATSON Natalia GBR Wrexham Fencing Club 126.0000 0
92 126 MCINTOSH Eleanor GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 126.0000 0
95 120 BURGESS Henry GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 120.0000
95 120 HARVEY Rose GBR Liverpool Fencing Club 120.0000 0
97 110 HUGHES Hannah GBR Taunton Deane Blades 110.0000 0
97 110 ORD Nisha GBR Liverpool Fencing Club 110.0000 0
97 110 BARKLEY Elias GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 110.0000
97 110 DEVEREUX Juliette GBR Wrexham Fencing Club 110.0000 0
101 105.6 JOSEPH Bennett GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 105.6000
102 103.2 REHMAN Subhaan GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 103.2000
103 102.6 WILLIAMSON Arthur GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 102.6000
104 101.92 TEMPAH Mohammed Tempah GBR Leicester Fencing Club 0 101.9200
105 101.2 EFRAN Joseph GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 101.2000
106 100.8 WOOD Alex GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 100.8000
107 96 ECHEVERRIA Rayen GBR Camden Fencing Club 96.0000 0
108 94.2 SEWELL Ethan GBR Truro Fencing Club 0 94.2000
109 92.4 WOROBIEJ Alexander GBR Camden Fencing Club 0 92.4000
110 89 BLACKWOOD Philippa GBR Wrexham Fencing Club 89.0000 0
111 88 DEAN William GBR 0 88.0000
112 86.72 FINNIE Henry GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 86.7200
113 85 SHANKAR Sarang GBR Truro Fencing Club 0 85.0000
114 84 GANEA-ARNOLD Daniel GBR KK Fencing Club 0 84.0000
115 75.6 MCMILLAN Hamish GBR Whitgift School 0 75.6000
116 64 VAUGHAN Ainara GBR Salle Ossian 64.0000 0
116 64 CAMPBELL Kitt GBR The Manchester Fencing Centre 0 64.0000
118 63 DAVEY Luca GBR KK Fencing Club 0 63.0000
119 55 KIM Ih-Han GBR Bristol Blades 55.0000 0
119 55 TOYE-BENJAMIN Israel GBR Manchester Grammar School Fencing Club 0 55.0000
121 54.88 COOKE Haris GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 54.8800
122 54.52 DADSON Daviedan GBR Whitgift School 0 54.5200
123 53.76 XIFARAS Alexander GBR Stratford Swords 0 53.7600
124 52.8 GOODING Peter GBR Street Swords Fencing Club 0 52.8000
125 52.2 OLUSOGA Timi GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 52.2000
126 51.52 DANIELS Seth GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 51.5200
127 51.04 OLUSOGA Tomi GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 51.0400
128 50.6 DOUGLASS Billy GBR Manchester Grammar School Fencing Club 0 50.6000
129 49.88 CHEW Alfie GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 49.8800
130 48.88 EYRE Jack GBR Stort Valley Sabre Club 0 48.8800
131 48.72 BRISTOW Sam GBR 0 48.7200
132 47.84 MANDAVA Shravan GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 47.8400
133 47.56 PETERSON Axel GBR Whitgift School 0 47.5600
134 46.8 MURPHY Ruairi GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 46.8000
135 44.8 MURRAY Hugo GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 44.8000
136 44.72 SCANLAN Alistair GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 44.7200
137 44.64 FIELD Alexander GBR Wrekin Sword Club 0 44.6400
138 44.08 CURRY Stefan GBR 0 44.0800
139 43.68 SMITH Joseph GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 43.6800
140 41.16 BASE Oscar GBR Whitgift School 0 41.1600
141 39.48 CARSWELL Patrick GBR Whitgift School 0 39.4800
142 37.6 PANDYA Akaash GBR Shakespeare's Swords 0 37.6000
143 20 JOUBERT Amelie GBR Truro Fencing Club 20.0000 0
144 0 UHM Zoe GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0.0000 0
144 0 ISTED Ben GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0 0.0000
144 0 HEATH Amy GBR Paul Davis Fencing Academy 0.0000 0