The Youth Series #1 - Espada masculino U14 Individual

Rank Status Poule Nome Nasc Gênero   País Clube
24 de set de 2023 - 24 de set de 2023 | The Youth Series #1 | Liverpool
1 N XIAO Matt 2010 M GBR Knightsbridge Fencing Club (GBR)
2 N SO Ming Lok 2010 M HKG Luso International Fencing Club (GBR)
3 N HARRINGTON Luke 2010 M GBR Knightsbridge Fencing Club (GBR)
3 N HELME Dylan 2011 M GBR Wingerworth Fencing Club (GBR)
3 de jul de 2022 - 3 de jul de 2022 | The Youth Series #3 | Liverpool
1 N RATUMAIWAI Mali Vilimone Hutch 2009 M GBR
3 N NEOPHYTOU Michael 2009 M GBR