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Classement Luxembourgeoise: 2024

Disciplina Gênero Categoria etária Categoria Calculado em
Espada masculino Senior Individual 24.11.2024. 08:15
Nasc Tipo de Ranking Tipo de país Mesma pontuação transferred points
1925 - 2010 Substituição (1:1) Somente licença nacional Mesmo ranking

Rank Pontos Pontos transferidos Nome País Clubes Nasc 23.09.2023 Neufchateau (Senior)
National Circuit
14.10.2023 Heidelberg (Senior)
Rhein Neckar Open
13.01.2024 Berlin (Senior)
White Bear of Berlin
29.01.2024 Doha (Senior)
Grand Prix Qatar
22.02.2024 Heidenheim (Senior)
Heidenheimer Pokal
08.03.2024 Budapest (Senior)
Westend-Grand Prix
16.03.2024 Lausanne (Senior)
International Lausanne Fencing Challenge
17.05.2024 Saint-Maur (Senior)
Challenge Monal
15.06.2024 Luxembourg (Senior)
Championships of Luxembourg
05.10.2024 Genève (Senior)
Geneva Tournament
19.10.2024 Reutlingen (Senior)
allstar Cup
26.10.2024 Colmar (Senior)
Tournoi International de Colmar
08.11.2024 Berne (Senior)
Bern World Cup
21.11.2024 Vancouver (Senior)
Peter Bakonyi World Cup
1 1.610 0 LUX ITA CE Sud, TO Acc. Scherma Marchesa Torino 1995       50 200 0   100 160 400   600 50 50
2 820 0 LUX FRA 18 LAVAL CE, CE Sud 1991 600 120             100     0    
3 420 0 LUX AUT TI TI Innsbruck, CE Luxembourg 1999   60 0       200   130 0 30 0 0  
4 220 0 LUX CE Luxembourg 2007 60 60             70   30      
5 210 0 LUX GER CE Sud, NR TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen 2001   30 50 0 0 0   0 70   60 0   0
6 130 0 LUX FRA CE Sud 1979 60               70          
6 130 0 LUX CE Sud 2002 60               70          
8 100 0 LUX CE Luxembourg 1988                 100          
8 100 0 LUX CE Luxembourg 1968 60               40          
10 40 0 POR CE Luxembourg 1983                 40          
10 40 0 LUX CE Sud 1982                 40          
10 40 0 LUX CGDEL Luxembourg 1966                 40          
13 20 0 LUX CE Sud 1972                 20          
13 20 0 FRA CE Luxembourg 1981                 20          
13 20 0 LUX FRA CE Luxembourg 1995                 20          
16 0 0 LUX CE Sud 2007                       0    

Todas as competições atribuídas

    Título Cidade País Data Categoria etária Grupo Barema de pontos Países Multiplicador substituído excluído Soma same federation
1 National Circuit Neufchateau BEL 23.09.2023 24.09.2023 Senior 2 S 6 30 81 5
2 Geneva Tournament Genève SUI 30.09.2023 01.10.2023 Senior 1 S 28 100 05.10.2024 158 0
3 St.Duje Cup Split CRO 14.10.2023 15.10.2023 Senior 1 S 21 100 12.10.2024 90 0
4 Rhein Neckar Open Heidelberg GER 14.10.2023 15.10.2023 Senior 2 S 14 30 160 4
5 Tournoi International de Colmar Colmar FRA 28.10.2023 30.10.2023 Senior 1 SR 27 100 26.10.2024 345 0
6 allstar Cup Reutlingen GER 28.10.2023 29.10.2023 Senior 2 S 14 30 19.10.2024 177 0
7 Bern World Cup Berne SUI 10.11.2023 12.11.2023 Senior 1 S 60 100 08.11.2024 321 0
8 Peter Bakonyi World Cup Vancouver CAN 07.12.2023 10.12.2023 Senior 1 S 48 100 21.11.2024 216 0
9 White Bear of Berlin Berlin GER 13.01.2024 14.01.2024 Senior 1 S 27 100 11.01.2025 249 2
10 Grand Prix Qatar Doha QAT 29.01.2024 31.01.2024 Senior 1 S 59 100 24.01.2025 276 2
11 Sista Cup Amsterdam NED 10.02.2024 11.02.2024 Senior 3 S 10 5 25.01.2025 51 0
12 Heidenheimer Pokal Heidenheim GER 22.02.2024 23.02.2024 Senior 1 S 70 100 06.02.2025 349 2
13 Westend-Grand Prix Budapest HUN 08.03.2024 10.03.2024 Senior 1 S 74 100 14.03.2025 393 2
14 International Lausanne Fencing Challenge Lausanne SUI 16.03.2024 17.03.2024 Senior 1 S 14 100 08.03.2025 98 1
15 Challenge Monal Saint-Maur FRA 17.05.2024 19.05.2024 Senior 1 S 52 100 23.05.2025 307 2
16 Championships of Luxembourg Luxembourg LUX 15.06.2024 16.06.2024 Senior 3 S 4 5 20 15
17 European Championships Basel SUI 18.06.2024 23.06.2024 Senior 1 32 200 14.06.2025 100 2
18 Geneva Tournament Genève SUI 05.10.2024 06.10.2024 Senior 1 S 28 100 158 0
19 St.Duje Cup Split CRO 12.10.2024 13.10.2024 Senior 1 S 21 100 90 0
20 allstar Cup Reutlingen GER 19.10.2024 20.10.2024 Senior 2 S 14 30 177 0
21 Tournoi International de Colmar Colmar FRA 26.10.2024 27.10.2024 Senior 1 SR 27 100 345 0
22 Bern World Cup Berne SUI 08.11.2024 10.11.2024 Senior 1 S 60 100 321 0
23 Peter Bakonyi World Cup Vancouver CAN 21.11.2024 24.11.2024 Senior 1 S 48 100 216 0
24 White Bear of Berlin Berlin GER 11.01.2025 12.01.2025 Senior 1 S 27 100 249 2
25 Grand Prix Qatar Doha QAT 24.01.2025 26.01.2025 Senior 1 S 59 100 276 2
26 Sista Cup Amsterdam NED 25.01.2025 26.01.2025 Senior 3 S 10 5 51 0
27 Heidenheimer Pokal Heidenheim GER 06.02.2025 08.02.2025 Senior 1 S 70 100 349 2
28 International Lausanne Fencing Challenge Lausanne SUI Cancelado Senior 1 S 14 100 98 1
29 Westend-Grand Prix Budapest HUN 14.03.2025 16.03.2025 Senior 1 S 74 100 393 2
30 Challenge Monal Saint-Maur FRA 23.05.2025 25.05.2025 Senior 1 S 52 100 307 2
31 European Championships Genua ITA 14.06.2025 19.06.2025 Senior 1 32 200 100 2

Para qualquer dúvida sobre ranking por favor entre em contato com:
Veronika Goncharova - veronika@escrime-fle.lu

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