Mis exámenes

  18 jun. 2016 Turnierreifeprüfung (Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.)

Resultados últimos 48 meses


Campeonato nacional
Rango Fecha Competición
29 25/5/19 / 26/5/19 Heidenheim German Championships Epee Men's U14 Individual
30 14/4/18 / 15/4/18 Reutlingen German Championships Epee Men's U13 Individual
Torneo nacional
Rango Fecha Competición
41 1/2/20 / 2/2/20 Heidelberg Allstar Deutschland Challenge Epee Men's U15 Individual
88 23/11/19 Heidenheim International Tournament Epee Men's U17 Individual
78 21/9/19 / 22/9/19 Friedrichshafen Zeppelin Cup Epee Men's U17 Individual
53 11/5/19 / 12/5/19 Leipzig Allstar Deutschland Challenge Epee Men's U14+U13 Individual
32 13/4/19 / 14/4/19 Leverkusen Allstar Deutschland Challenge Epee Men's U14+U13 Individual
34 2/2/19 / 3/2/19 Frankfurt Allstar Deutschland Challenge Epee Men's U14+U13 Individual
93 14/10/17 / 15/10/17 Heidelberg Allstar Deutschland Challenge Epee Men's U14+U13 Individual
Campeonato regional
Rango Fecha Competición
34 24/9/22 / 25/9/22 Heidenheim Championships of Baden-Nord - Württemberg Epee Men's U20 Individual
9 17/11/18 / 18/11/18 Pliezhausen Championships of Baden-Nord - Württemberg Epee Men's U14+U13 Equipo
22 17/11/18 / 18/11/18 Pliezhausen Championships of Baden-Nord - Württemberg Epee Men's U14 Individual
9 28/10/17 / 29/10/17 Pliezhausen, Germany Championships of Baden-Nord - Württemberg Epee Men's U13 Individual
13 24/6/17 / 25/6/17 Heidenheim Championships of Württemberg Epee Men's U12 Individual
Torneo regional
Rango Fecha Competición
21 8/2/20 / 9/2/20 Schefflenz Qualification Tournament IG Fechten Baden-Württemberg Epee Men's U15 Individual
26 25/1/20 / 26/1/20 Backnang Youth Epee of Backnang Epee Men's U17 Individual
26A 4/1/20 / 5/1/20 Heidelberg Heidelberger Schlossturnier Epee Men's U15 Individual
5 14/12/19 / 15/12/19 Reutlingen Int. Achalm Cup of Reutlingen Epee Men's U15 Individual
14 2/11/19 / 3/11/19 Pliezhausen Neckar-Schönbuch-Cup Epee Men's U15 Individual
17 8/12/18 / 9/12/18 Reutlingen Int. Achalm Cup of Reutlingen Epee Men's U14 Individual
21 1/4/17 Heidenheim Mini Marathon Epee Men's U12 Individual
11 19/11/16 Pliezhausen Neckar-Schönbuch-Cup Epee Men's U12 Individual
Rango Fecha Competición
5 23/2/20 Heidenheim Hellenstein Cup Epee Men's U15 Individual
Rango Fecha Competición
9 1/10/23 Ravensburg International FAR Cup Epee Men's Senior Individual
13 2/10/22 Ravensburg International FAR Cup 10th anniversary Epee Men's Senior Individual
7 14/12/19 / 15/12/19 Wangen im Allgäu IBF Challenge Epee Men's U17 Individual
2 14/12/19 / 15/12/19 Wangen im Allgäu IBF Challenge Epee Men's U15 Individual
5 28/7/19 Reutlingen allstar trophy Epee Men's U14+U13 Individual
3 13/7/19 / 14/7/19 Wangen Championships of Oberland Epee Men's U17 Individual
1 13/7/19 / 14/7/19 Wangen Championships of Oberland Epee Men's U14 Individual
3 18/5/19 Dornbirn IBF-Youthleague 2019 Epee Men's U14 Individual
10 16/3/19 Friedrichshafen Internationales Jugendliga Degenturnier Epee Men's U14+U13 Individual
8A 29/9/18 Ravensburg International Youth CUP FWF Epee Men's U14 Individual
6 9/6/18 Friedrichshafen Internationales Jugendliga Degenturnier Epee Men's U13 Individual
6 19/5/18 Dornbirn IBF-Jugend Liga Epee Men's U14 Individual
2 21/10/17 Wangen Championships of Oberland Epee Men's U13 Individual
5 30/9/17 Ravensburg Youth CUP FWF Epee Men's U13 Individual
5 30/9/17 Ravensburg Youth CUP FWF Epee Men's U17 Individual
10 17/6/17 St. Gallen Int. IBF Jugendliga Turnier Epee Men's U12 Individual
9 20/5/17 Dornbirn IBF-Jugend Liga Epee Men's U12-U10 Individual
5 6/5/17 Friedrichshafen Internationales Jugendliga Degenturnier Epee Men's U12 Individual
11 19/11/16 Pliezhausen Neckar-Schönbuch-Cup Epee Open U12-U10 Equipo
2 1/10/16 / 2/10/16 Ravensburg Youth CUP FWF Epee Men's U12 Individual
3 25/9/16 Friedrichshafen Championships of Oberland Epee Men's U12 Individual

Asignar resultados




Temporada 2023/2024 2022/2023
Gana Ronda 0 0
Pérdidas Ronda 0 5
Gana Eliminación directa 1 0
Pérdidas Eliminación directa 2 0
Total de puntos 34 11
Promedio de aciertos ganados Ronda
Promedio de aciertos perdidos Ronda 2.2 (1.33 / 3.5)
Promedio de aciertos ganados Eliminación directa 15 (0 / 15)
Promedio de aciertos perdidos Eliminación directa 9.5 (0 / 9.5)



Rango Puntos Temporada Título Competición
40 27.0000 2019 Deutsche Rangliste Epee U15 Individual
94 0.0000 2019 Deutsche Rangliste Epee U17 Individual
30 86.0000 2018 Deutsche Rangliste Epee U15 Individual

Atletas visibles para la federación regional

Rango Puntos Temporada Título Competición
10 40.0000 2019 Württembergische Rangliste Epee U15 Individual
12 16.0000 2018 Württembergische Rangliste Epee U15 Individual
12 7.0000 2017 Württembergische Rangliste Epee U13 Individual
Temporada Selección Disciplina Federación Centro de formación Entrenador


Club Tipo Comienzo Fin  
Fechtakademie Ravensburg (GER) Club 27 abr. 2016 Primario

Toda la información se suministra sin responsabilidad ni obligación alguna. Los resultados de las competiciones solo están disponibles para los eventos que proporcionan datos de resultados digitales a Ophardt Online.