
Campeonatos nacionales
1 5 4
Campeonatos regionales
0 2 0

Resultados últimos 48 meses


Campeonato Internacional
Rango Fecha Competición
7 11/10/24 / 17/10/24 Dubai World Championships Veterans Epee Women's Veterans Equipo
8 8/10/18 / 14/10/18 Livorno World Championships Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual B
Rango Fecha Competición
25 11/10/24 / 17/10/24 Dubai World Championships Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual B
10 8/10/18 / 14/10/18 Livorno World Championships Veterans Epee Women's Veterans Equipo
39 11/10/16 / 16/10/16 Stralsund World Championships Veterans Epee Women's V50 Individual A
Campeonato Zonal
Rango Fecha Competición
8 25/5/22 / 29/5/22 Hamburg European Championships Veterans Team Epee Women's Grand Veterans Equipo
Rango Fecha Competición
30 17/5/23 / 21/5/23 Thionville European Championships Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual
30Q 29/5/19 / 2/6/19 Cognac European Championships Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual
7 10/5/18 / 13/5/18 Alkmaar European Championships Veterans Team Epee Women's Grand Veterans Equipo
58 25/5/17 / 28/5/17 Chiavari European Championships Veterans Epee Women's V50 Individual
Torneo zonal
Rango Fecha Competición
11 4/1/20 Guildford - London EVF Epee Circuit Epee Women's V60 Individual
9 30/11/19 / 1/12/19 Munich EVF European Veterans Circuit Memoriam Max Geuter Foil Women's V60 Individual
Campeonato nacional
Rango Fecha Competición
2 28/9/24 / 29/9/24 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's Veteran Equipo
5 28/4/24 Lucerne Championships of Switzerland Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual
3 29/4/23 Biel/Bienne Championships of Switzerland Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual
3 23/4/22 Biel/Bienne Championships of Switzerland Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual
2 12/12/21 Lausanne Championships of Switzerland Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual
Rango Fecha Competición
2 11/5/19 / 12/5/19 Salzburg Österreichische Veteranen Meisterschaft Epee Women's Veteran Equipo
1 11/5/19 / 12/5/19 Salzburg Österreichische Veteranen Meisterschaft Epee Women's V60 Individual
3 6/4/19 Biel/Bienne Championships of Switzerland Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual
2 7/4/18 Biel Bienne Championships of Switzerland Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual
3 1/4/17 Biel Bienne Championships of Switzerland Veterans Epee Women's V50 Individual
2 2/4/16 Biel Bienne Championships of Switzerland Veterans Epee Women's V50 Individual
Torneo nacional
Rango Fecha Competición
2 19/1/25 Lucerne Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
1 9/11/24 / 10/11/24 Basel Touche d'Argent à Bâle Epee Women's V60 Individual
1 9/11/24 / 10/11/24 Basel Touche d'Argent à Bâle Foil Women's V60 Individual
3 28/9/24 / 29/9/24 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
2Q 23/3/24 Bern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
1 21/1/24 Lucerne Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
1 9/9/23 / 10/9/23 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
1Q 11/3/23 Bern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
1 22/1/23 Lucerne Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
8 31/10/22 / 1/11/22 Ciserano (BG) 1th National Veterans Tournament Epee Women's V60 Individual
1 3/9/22 / 4/9/22 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
1Q 19/3/22 Bern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
1 13/11/21 Lucerne Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
2Q 9/10/21 Bern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
1 4/9/21 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
2 5/9/20 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
Rango Fecha Competición
17 9/3/24 / 10/3/24 Busto Arsizio 5th National Veterans Tournament Epee Women's V60 Individual
16 10/2/24 / 11/2/24 Albignasego 4th National Veterans Tournament Epee Women's V60 Individual
10 1/4/23 / 2/4/23 Busto Arsizio 5 Prova Master Busto Arsizio Epee Women's V60 Individual
13 15/2/20 / 16/2/20 St Maur Circuit National Veterans Epee Women's V60 Individual
3 10/11/19 Lucerne Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
2 7/9/19 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
5 27/4/19 / 28/4/19 Lyon (Fareins) Circuit National Vétérans Epee Women's V60 Individual
2Q 9/3/19 Bern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
8 16/2/19 / 17/2/19 Eislingen Eislingen Veterans Tournament Epee Women's V60 Individual
9 19/1/19 / 20/1/19 Bologna CNV Bologna Epee Women's V60 Individual
3 11/11/18 Lucerne Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
3 8/9/18 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
8 28/4/18 / 29/4/18 Lyon (Fareins) Circuit National Vétérans Epee Women's V60 Individual
7 17/3/18 / 18/3/18 Busto Arsizio CNV Busto Arsizio Epee Women's V60 Individual
1 10/3/18 Bern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
2 16/12/17 Lausanne Circuit National Vétérans Epee Women's V60 Individual
2 18/11/17 / 19/11/17 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
2 12/11/17 Luzern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V60 Individual
26 29/4/17 / 30/4/17 Lyon (Fareins) Circuit National Vétérans Epee Women's V50 Individual
3 25/2/17 Bern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V50 Individual
23 18/2/17 / 19/2/17 Busto Arsizio Varese CNV Busto Arsizio Epee Women's V50 Individual
3 17/12/16 Lausanne Circuit National Vétérans Epee Women's V50 Individual
5 26/11/16 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V50 Individual
16 1/10/16 / 2/10/16 Lonato del Garda Veterans tournament Epee Women's V50 Individual
13 21/5/16 / 22/5/16 Lyon (Fareins) Circuit National Vétérans Epee Women's V50 Individual
5 12/3/16 / 13/3/16 Busto Arsizio Varese CNV Busto Arsizio Epee Women's V50 Individual
2 5/3/16 Bern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V50 Individual
3 19/12/15 / 20/12/15 Lausanne Circuit National Vétérans Epee Women's V50 Individual
1 28/11/15 Küssnacht Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V50 Individual
3 8/11/15 Luzern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V50 Individual
1 7/3/15 Bern Circuit National Vétéran Epee Women's V50 Individual
Campeonato regional
Rango Fecha Competición
2 23/11/24 Rastatt Veterans Tournament Rastatt Epee Women's V60 Individual
Rango Fecha Competición
8 3/3/18 / 4/3/18 München Bavarian Veterans Championships Epee Women's V60 Individual
16 18/3/17 / 19/3/17 München Bavarian Veterans Championships Epee Women's V50 Individual
2 21/6/14 / 22/6/14 Flawil Swiss-Fencing Challenge Epee Women's V40 Individual
Rango Fecha Competición
5 6/9/20 Küssnacht am Rigi Foil-Swiss-Trophy Foil Women's Senior Individual
Rango Fecha Competición
6 22/9/18 / 23/9/18 Ludwigsburg Ludwigsburger Barock Epee Women's V60 Individual
3 23/9/17 / 24/9/17 Ludwigsburg Ludwigsburger Barock Epee Women's V60 Individual

Asignar resultados





Temporada 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023
Gana Ronda 0 3 0
Pérdidas Ronda 0 3 0
Gana Eliminación directa 4 4 2
Pérdidas Eliminación directa 3 3 1
Total de puntos 47 75 29
Promedio de aciertos ganados Ronda 4.67 (4.67 / 0)
Promedio de aciertos perdidos Ronda 1 (1 / 1)
Promedio de aciertos ganados Eliminación directa 8.25 (10 / 7.67) 10 (10 / 10) 10 (0 / 10)
Promedio de aciertos perdidos Eliminación directa 4.67 (4.67 / 0) 6 (4.5 / 9) 9 (9 / 0)



Rango Puntos Temporada Título Competición
15 32.0000 2020 FIE (unofficial) Epee V60 Individual
16 32.0000 2019 FIE (unofficial) Epee V60 Individual
15 32.0000 2018 FIE (unofficial) Epee V60 Individual
16 32.0000 2017 FIE (unofficial) Epee V60 Individual


Rango Puntos Temporada Título Competición
37 6.7137 2022 European Veterans Ranking (unofficial) Epee V60 Individual
30 15.4400 2021 European Veterans Ranking (unofficial) Epee V60 Individual
37 1.0000 2021 European Veterans Ranking (unofficial) Foil V60 Individual
23 20.4800 2020 European Veterans Ranking (unofficial) Epee V60 Individual
25 16.0000 2020 European Veterans Ranking (unofficial) Foil V60 Individual
23 20.4800 2019 European Veterans Ranking (unofficial) Epee V60 Individual
24 16.0000 2019 European Veterans Ranking (unofficial) Foil V60 Individual


Rango Puntos Temporada Título Competición
2 250.0000 2024 Circuit National Epee V60 Individual
1 351.5000 2023 Circuit National Epee V60 Individual
1 485.0000 2022 Circuit National Epee V60 Individual
1 360.0000 2021 Circuit National Epee V60 Individual
2 210.0000 2020 Circuit National Epee V60 Individual
2 200.0000 2019 Circuit National Epee V60 Individual
2 230.0000 2018 Circuit National Epee V60 Individual
Temporada Selección Disciplina Federación Centro de formación Entrenador


Club Tipo Comienzo Fin  
FCZN Zürich (SUI) Club Primario

Toda la información se suministra sin responsabilidad ni obligación alguna. Los resultados de las competiciones solo están disponibles para los eventos que proporcionan datos de resultados digitales a Ophardt Online.