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Sélection: 2018

Discipline Gender Ageclass Category Calculated on
Epee Women's Senior Individuāls 29.05.2019. 13:34
YOB Ranking type Nation type Same points Transferred points
1921 - 2006 Rolling (1:1) Home nation only Last result

Rank Points T-P Name Nation Clubs YOB 09.11.2018 Tallin (Senior)
Glaive de Tallinn
11.01.2019 Havanna (Senior)
La Copa del Mundo de Espada
25.01.2019 Doha (Senior)
Grand Prix Qatar
08.02.2019 Barcelona (Senior)
Ciudad de Barcelona
08.03.2019 Budapest (Senior)
Westend-Grand Prix
22.03.2019 Chengdu (Senior)
World Cup
03.05.2019 Cali (Senior)
Grand Prix
17.05.2019 Dubai (Senior)
World Cup
1 1 135 0 SUI SECH Chaux-de-Fonds 1994 (0) 167 376 87 418 (0) 87 0
2 523 0 SUI ZFC Zürich 1996 (0) 0 257 0 (0) 0 87 179
3 255,5 0 SUI SEB Basel 1991 88,5 (0) (0) 87 0 80 0 0
4 89,5 0 SUI FCZ Zug 1997 0     0 89,5   0 0
5 88,5 0 SUI FCB Bern 2000 88,5         0    
6 87 0 SUI FGL Luzern 1990 (0) (0) 0 87 0 0 0 0
7 87 0 SUI SEB Basel 1995 0   0   0   87 0
8 0 0 SUI FCB Bern 1999 0         0   0
9 0 0 SUI ZFC Zürich 1999 0       0     0
10 0 0 SUI SEB Basel 1999   0         0  
11 0 0 SUI SAL Lugano 2002           0    
12 0 0 SUI SESAF Fribourg 1998 0     0 0      

all assigned competitions

    Title City Nation Date Ageclass Group Pointkey Nations Multiplicator Replaced Deleted Sum SUI Class
1 Glaive de Tallinn Tallin EST 20.10.2017 22.10.2017 Senior Welt Cup 10x 47 0 09.11.2018 258 0 274
2 Grand Prix Qatar Doha QAT 08.12.2017 10.12.2017 Senior Welt Cup 10x 38 0 25.01.2019 164 0 236
3 La Copa del Mundo de Espada Havanna CUB 19.01.2018 21.01.2018 Senior Welt Cup 10x 30 0 11.01.2019 153 0 254
4 Ciudad de Barcelona Barcelona ESP 09.02.2018 11.02.2018 Senior Welt Cup 10x 55 0 08.02.2019 281 0 268
5 Westend-Grand Prix Budapest HUN 23.03.2018 25.03.2018 Senior Welt Cup 10x 51 0 08.03.2019 261 0 278
6 Weltcup Dubai UAE 04.05.2018 06.05.2018 Senior Welt Cup 10x 47 0 17.05.2019 238 0 278
7 Glaive de Tallinn Tallin EST 09.11.2018 11.11.2018 Senior 47 0 258 0 274
8 La Copa del Mundo de Espada Havanna CUB 11.01.2019 13.01.2019 Senior 30 0 153 0 254
9 Grand Prix Qatar Doha QAT 25.01.2019 27.01.2019 Senior 38 0 164 0 236
10 Ciudad de Barcelona Barcelona ESP 08.02.2019 10.02.2019 Senior 55 0 281 0 268
11 Westend-Grand Prix Budapest HUN 08.03.2019 10.03.2019 Senior 51 0 261 0 278
12 World Cup Chengdu CHN 22.03.2019 24.03.2019 Senior Welt Cup 10x 26 0 170 8 240
13 Grand Prix Cali COL 03.05.2019 05.05.2019 Senior Welt Cup 10x 37 0 169 9 268
14 World Cup Dubai UAE 17.05.2019 19.05.2019 Senior Welt Cup 10x 47 0 238 0 278

For any questions regarding this ranking please contact:
Justine Géroudet -

This is the link to the newest version of this ranking:

This is the link to the current ranking of this season.: