
World Championships
0 2 2
Continental Championships
1 0 1
National Championships
1 0 0

Results last 48 month


Starptautiskās spēles
Rank Date Competition
8 30.07.92 / 07.08.92 Barcelona Olympic Games Sabre Men's Senior Komanda
Zonu spēles
Rank Date Competition
3 17.06.02 / 25.06.02 Berne World Military Fencing Championships Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
1 17.06.02 / 25.06.02 Berne World Military Fencing Championships Sabre Men's Senior Komanda
8 01.10.94 / 08.10.94 Mazara del Vallo World Military Fencing Championships Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
Starptautiskie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
45 01.07.93 / 11.07.93 Essen World Championships Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
2 01.07.93 / 11.07.93 Essen World Championships Sabre Men's Senior Komanda
3 30.10.91 / 31.10.91 Istanbul World Championships Juniors Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
25 23.04.89 / 27.04.89 Athen World Championships Juniors Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
2 30.04.88 / 01.05.88 Cabries World Championships Cadets Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
3 03.04.87 / 04.04.87 Tel Aviv World Championships Cadets Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
Zonu čempionāts
Rank Date Competition
12 08.11.94 / 11.11.94 Krakow European Championships Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
30 23.10.93 / 24.10.93 Linz European Championships Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
3 10.03.88 / 12.03.88 Udine European Championships Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
1 28.02.87 / 01.03.87 St. Nazaire European Championships Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
Starptautiskie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
25 13.06.03 / 15.06.03 New York Challenge New York Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
26 02.05.03 / 04.05.03 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
24 21.03.03 / 22.03.03 Nancy Challenge Nancy Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
54 08.03.03 / 09.03.03 Athen Coupe Akropolis Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
40 15.02.03 / 16.02.03 Bonn Grand Prix Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
51 31.01.03 / 02.02.03 Budapest Gerevich-Kovacs-Karpati Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
47 23.03.02 / 24.03.02 Nancy Trophee Nancy Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
56 09.03.02 / 10.03.02 Athen Coupe Akropolis Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
32 25.05.01 / 26.05.01 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
62 09.03.01 / 10.03.01 Athen Coupe Akropolis Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
16 26.05.00 / 27.05.00 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
26 31.03.00 / 02.04.00 Boston World Cup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
55 04.02.00 / 05.02.00 Budapest Gerevich-Kovacs-Karpati Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
32 28.05.99 / 29.05.99 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
47 20.03.99 / 21.03.99 Boston World Cup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
47 06.02.99 / 07.02.99 Budapest Coupe Gerevich Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
51 23.05.98 / 25.05.98 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
53 09.05.98 / 10.05.98 Warschau Szabla Wolodyjowski Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
46 27.03.98 / 29.03.98 New York Challenge New York Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
58 07.02.98 / 08.02.98 Budapest Coupe Gerevich Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
47 29.11.97 / 30.11.97 Athen Coupe Akropolis Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
23 24.05.97 / 26.05.97 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
60 17.05.97 / 19.05.97 Madrid Villa de Madrid Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
18 25.01.97 / 26.01.97 Dagenham Corble Cup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
30 13.12.96 / 14.12.96 Nancy Trophäe B.N.P. Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
121 03.02.96 / 04.02.96 Budapest Coupe Bank OPT Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
48 08.12.95 / 09.12.95 Nancy Trophäe B.N.P. Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
34 18.11.95 / 19.11.95 Athen Coupe Akropolis Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
7 26.08.95 / 05.09.95 Fukuoka Summer Universiade Sabre Men's Senior Komanda
26 26.08.95 / 05.09.95 Fukuoka Summer Universiade Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
28 20.05.95 / 22.05.95 Madrid Villa de Madrid Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
58 12.05.95 / 13.05.95 Warschau Szabla Wolodyjowski Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
44 06.05.95 / 08.05.95 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
70 25.03.95 / 26.03.95 New York Challenge New York Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
78 25.02.95 / 26.02.95 Bonn World Cup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
19 14.01.95 / 15.01.95 Moscou Sabre of Moscow Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
20 09.12.94 / 11.12.94 Nancy Trophäe B.N.P. Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
35 19.11.94 / 20.11.94 Athen Coupe Akropolis Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
16 08.10.94 / 09.10.94 Bucharest Memorial Rohony Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
52 21.05.94 / 22.05.94 Madrid Villa de Madrid Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
53 13.05.94 / 14.05.94 Warschau Szabla Wolodyjowski Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
26 07.05.94 / 08.05.94 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
23 26.03.94 / 27.03.94 New York Challenge New York Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
103 26.02.94 / 27.02.94 Bonn World Cup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
89 05.02.94 Budapest Coupe Bank OPT Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
33 16.01.94 Moscow Sabre of Moscow Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
20 11.12.93 / 12.12.93 Nancy Trophäe B.N.P. Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
16 20.11.93 / 21.11.93 Athen Coupe Akropolis Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
1 11.07.93 / 18.07.93 Buffalo Summer Universiade Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
1 11.07.93 / 18.07.93 Buffalo Summer Universiade Sabre Men's Senior Komanda
8 23.05.93 / 24.05.93 Madrid Villa de Madrid Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
39 08.05.93 / 09.05.93 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
9 03.04.93 Warschau Szabla Wolodyjowski Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
6 14.03.93 Gödöllö Tibor Benkö Coupe de la Banque OTP Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
18 27.02.93 / 28.02.93 Bonn World Cup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
16 12.12.92 Nancy Trophäe B.N.P. Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
34 09.05.92 / 10.05.92 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
3 25.04.92 / 26.04.92 Orléans 4th Challenge BNP Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
6 11.04.92 Warschau Szabla Wolodyjowski Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
23 14.03.92 Washington World Cup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
42 29.02.92 / 01.03.92 Hannover Weltcup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
53 01.02.92 Budapest Coupe MHB Hungaria Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
16 19.01.92 / 20.01.92 Moscow Sabre of Moscow Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
18 19.10.91 Madrid Villa de Madrid Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
99 02.03.91 / 03.03.91 Hannover World Cup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
1 19.01.91 / 20.01.91 Göppingen Allstar Pokal Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
5 06.01.91 Budapest Coupe Banque de Budapest Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
42 08.12.90 Nancy Trophäe B.N.P. Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
7 01.12.90 / 02.12.90 Dormagen Preis der Chemiestadt Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
4 11.11.90 / 12.11.90 Palermo Trophäe Trinacria Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
1 03.11.90 / 04.11.90 Dourdan Coupe de la Ville Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
8 20.10.90 / 21.10.90 Madrid Villa de Madrid Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
14 10.02.90 / 11.02.90 Mödling Wappen von Mödling Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
20 01.01.90 Göppingen Allstar Pokal Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
45 09.12.89 / 10.12.89 Nancy Trophäe B.N.P. Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
15 02.12.89 / 03.12.89 Dormagen Preis der Chemiestadt Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
8 18.11.89 / 19.11.89 Palermo Trophäe Trinacria Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
8 04.11.89 / 05.11.89 Dourdan Coupe de la Ville Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
12 14.10.89 / 15.10.89 Madrid Villa de Madrid Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
52 13.05.89 / 14.05.89 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
55 25.02.89 / 26.02.89 Hannover World Cup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
13 18.02.89 / 19.02.89 Mödling Wappen von Mödling Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
55 04.02.89 / 05.02.89 Budapest Coupe MHB Hungaria Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
8 21.01.89 / 22.01.89 Göppingen Allstar Pokal Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
1 05.01.89 / 08.01.89 Budapest Coupe Herakles Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
3 03.12.88 / 04.12.88 Dormagen Preis der Chemiestadt Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
16 19.11.88 / 20.11.88 Palermo Trophäe Trinacria Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
4 05.11.88 / 06.11.88 Dourdan Coupe de la Ville Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
2 22.10.88 / 23.10.88 Madrid Villa de Madrid Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
F 14.05.88 / 15.05.88 Padua Trophée Luxardo Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
28 13.02.88 / 14.02.88 Mödling Wappen von Mödling Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
19 23.01.88 / 24.01.88 Göppingen Allstar Pokal Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
22 10.01.88 Budapest Coupe Herakles Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
15 05.12.87 / 06.12.87 Dormagen Preis der Chemiestadt Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
2 21.11.87 / 22.11.87 Palermo Trophäe Trinacria Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
25 31.10.87 / 01.11.87 Dourdan Coupe de la Ville Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
6 17.10.87 / 18.10.87 Madrid Villa de Madrid Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
21 14.02.87 / 15.02.87 Mödling Wappen von Mödling Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
33 24.01.87 / 25.01.87 Göppingen Allstar Pokal Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
33 10.01.87 / 11.01.87 Budapest Coupe Herakles Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
3 20.12.86 / 21.12.86 Palermo Trophäe Trinacria Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
42 06.12.86 / 07.12.86 Dormagen Preis der Chemiestadt Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
23 22.11.86 / 23.11.86 Madrid Villa de Madrid Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
95 01.11.86 / 02.11.86 Dourdan Coupe de la Ville Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
Zonu turnīri
Rank Date Competition
3 09.03.91 / 10.03.91 Bonn 7-Nations Cup Sabre Men's Senior Komanda
Nacionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
1 02.06.06 / 03.06.06 Torino Italian Championships Sabre Men's Senior Komanda

Match results

Wins Round
Losses Round
Wins Elimination direct
Losses Elimination direct
Total hits
Average hits winning Round
Average hits losing Round
Average hits winning Elimination direct
Average hits losing Elimination direct


Season Selection Discipline Federation Trainingcenter Coach


Club Type Start End  
Centro Sportivo Carabinieri (ITA) Club First membership

All information is supplied without liability and all obligation. Competition results are only available for events providing digital result data to Ophardt Online.