
Continental Championships
0 0 1

Results last 48 month


Zonu spēles
Rank Date Competition
2 26.08.24 / 31.08.24 Lima South American Championship Epee Women's Senior Komanda
7 30.10.23 / 04.11.23 Santiago Pan American Games Epee Women's Senior Komanda
4 02.10.22 / 07.10.22 Asuncion South American Games Epee Women's Senior Komanda
3 13.12.21 / 17.12.21 Lima South American Championship Epee Women's Senior Komanda
7 11.10.21 / 15.10.21 Ibague City South American Championship Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
4 11.10.21 / 15.10.21 Ibague City South American Championship Epee Women's U20 Komanda
Rank Date Competition
16 26.08.24 / 31.08.24 Lima South American Championship Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
16 13.12.21 / 17.12.21 Lima South American Championship Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
5 24.09.19 / 28.09.19 Asuncion South American Championship Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
1 24.09.19 / 28.09.19 Asuncion South American Championship Epee Women's Senior Komanda
2 04.06.19 / 08.06.19 Lima South American Championship Epee Women's U20 Komanda
8 04.06.19 / 08.06.19 Lima South American Championship Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
7 06.09.18 / 09.09.18 Sao Paulo South American Championship Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
11 06.09.18 / 09.09.18 Sao Paulo South American Championship Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
2 06.09.18 / 09.09.18 Sao Paulo South American Championship Epee Women's U20 Komanda
3 27.05.18 / 01.06.18 Cochamba South American Games Epee Women's Senior Komanda
Starptautiskie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
67 03.04.21 / 11.04.21 Cairo World Championships Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
78 06.04.19 / 14.04.19 Torun World Championships Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
20 06.04.19 / 14.04.19 Torun World Championships Epee Women's U20 Komanda
100 01.04.18 / 10.04.18 Verona World Championships Cadets/Juniors Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
131 01.04.18 / 10.04.18 Verona World Championships Cadets/Juniors Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
21 01.04.18 / 10.04.18 Verona World Championships Cadets/Juniors Epee Women's U20 Komanda
103 01.04.17 / 10.04.17 Plovdiv World Championships Cadets/Juniors Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
94 01.04.17 / 10.04.17 Plovdiv World Championships Cadets/Juniors Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
26 01.04.17 / 10.04.17 Plovdiv World Championships Cadets/Juniors Epee Women's U20 Komanda
Zonu čempionāts
Rank Date Competition
8 15.06.23 / 20.06.23 Lima Pan American Championships Epee Women's Senior Komanda
4 23.02.20 / 28.02.20 San Salvador Pan American Championships U17/U20 Epee Women's U20 Komanda
Rank Date Competition
42 15.06.23 / 20.06.23 Lima Pan American Championships Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
29 23.02.20 / 28.02.20 San Salvador Pan American Championships U17/U20 Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
9 27.06.19 / 02.07.19 Toronto Pan American Championships Epee Women's Senior Komanda
35 27.06.19 / 02.07.19 Toronto Pan American Championships Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
3 26.02.19 / 03.03.19 Bogota Pan American Championships U17/U20 Epee Women's U20 Komanda
19 26.02.19 / 03.03.19 Bogota Pan American Championships U17/U20 Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
41 15.06.18 / 20.06.18 Havanna Pan American Championships Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
11 15.06.18 / 20.06.18 Havanna Pan American Championships Epee Women's Senior Komanda
7 03.03.18 / 10.03.18 San-Jose Pan American Championships U17/U20 Epee Women's U20 Komanda
15 03.03.18 / 10.03.18 San-Jose Pan American Championships U17/U20 Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
12 03.03.18 / 10.03.18 San-Jose Pan American Championships U17/U20 Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
7 02.03.17 / 07.03.17 Havana Pan American Championships U17/U20 Epee Women's U20 Komanda
21 02.03.17 / 07.03.17 Havana Pan American Championships U17/U20 Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
13 02.03.17 / 07.03.17 Havana Pan American Championships U17/U20 Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
Starptautiskie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
120 30.09.23 / 01.10.23 Genève Geneva Tournament Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
55 24.09.23 Belgrade Belgrade Trophy Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
244 06.03.20 / 08.03.20 Budapest Westend-Grand Prix Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
88 15.02.20 / 16.02.20 Dijon Tournoi de la ville de Dijon Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
16 15.02.20 / 16.02.20 Dijon Tournoi de la ville de Dijon Epee Women's U20 Komanda
26 07.02.20 / 09.02.20 Barcelona Ciudad de Barcelona Epee Women's Senior Komanda
179 07.02.20 / 09.02.20 Barcelona Ciudad de Barcelona Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
16 01.02.20 / 02.02.20 Bratislava Grand Prix Bratislava Epee Women's U20 Komanda
97 01.02.20 / 02.02.20 Bratislava Grand Prix Bratislava Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
7 16.11.19 / 17.11.19 San Salvador World Cup Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
16 16.02.19 / 17.02.19 Dijon Tournoi de la ville de Dijon Epee Women's U20 Komanda
110 16.02.19 / 17.02.19 Dijon Tournoi de la ville de Dijon Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
82 02.02.19 / 03.02.19 Bratislava Grand Prix Bratislava Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
19 02.02.19 / 03.02.19 Bratislava Grand Prix Bratislava Epee Women's U20 Komanda
7 03.11.18 / 04.11.18 San Salvador San Salvador Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
57 28.04.18 Split St.Duje Cup Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
157 03.02.18 / 04.02.18 Bratislava Grand Prix Bratislava Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
16 03.02.18 / 04.02.18 Bratislava Grand Prix Bratislava Epee Women's U20 Komanda
11 04.11.17 / 05.11.17 San Salvador San Salvador Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
126 17.02.17 / 19.02.17 Udine Alpe Adria Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
6 17.02.17 / 19.02.17 Udine Alpe Adria Epee Mixed U20 Komanda
Zonu turnīri
Rank Date Competition
169 25.01.20 / 26.01.20 Busto Arsizio European Circuit Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
106 27.04.19 Budapest European Circuit Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
48 26.01.19 / 27.01.19 Busto Arsizio European Circuit Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
106 27.01.18 / 28.01.18 Krakow Wawel Dragon Trophy Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
101 21.01.17 / 22.01.17 Luxembourg Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
185 13.01.17 / 15.01.17 Bratislava Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
87 07.01.17 / 08.01.17 Tatabanya U23 European Circuit Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
Nacionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
109 14.10.23 / 15.10.23 Macon Circuit National Epee Women's Senior Individuāls

Match results




Season 2023/2024 2022/2023
Wins Round 2 2
Losses Round 10 4
Wins Elimination direct 0 0
Losses Elimination direct 1 0
Total hits 41 20
Average hits winning Round 5 (5 / 0) 5 (0 / 5)
Average hits losing Round 2.6 (2.5 / 2.75) 2.5 (0 / 2.5)
Average hits winning Elimination direct
Average hits losing Elimination direct 5 (0 / 5)



Rank Points Season Title Competition
494 0.0000 2023 FIE (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls
560 0.0000 2022 FIE (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls
47 22.0000 2020 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls
401 0.2500 2020 FIE (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls
375 0.2500 2019 Olympic Ranking (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls
393 0.2500 2019 FIE (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls
62 24.0000 2019 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls
66 23.5000 2018 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls
474 0.0000 2018 FIE (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls
237 3.0000 2017 FIE (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls
85 20.0000 2017 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
391 0.0000 2020 EFC (unofficial) Epee U23 Individuāls
429 0.0000 2019 EFC (unofficial) Epee U23 Individuāls
219 2.0000 2018 EFC (unofficial) Epee U23 Individuāls
400 3.0000 2017 EFC (unofficial) Epee U17 Individuāls
Season Selection Discipline Federation Trainingcenter Coach


Club Type Start End  

All information is supplied without liability and all obligation. Competition results are only available for events providing digital result data to Ophardt Online.