Not active anymore

Average results

Best results


Zonu spēles
Rank Date Competition
26 23.06.15 / 27.06.15 Baku European Games Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
6 23.06.15 / 27.06.15 Baku European Games Sabre Men's Senior Komanda
Starptautiskie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
15 26.03.11 / 06.04.11 Mer Morte World Championships Cadets/Juniors Sabre Men's U20 Komanda
59 26.03.11 / 06.04.11 Mer Morte World Championships Cadets/Juniors Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
18 03.04.10 / 04.04.10 Baku World Championships Cadets/Juniors Sabre Men's U20 Komanda
77 03.04.10 / 04.04.10 Baku World Championships Cadets/Juniors Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
41 03.04.10 / 04.04.10 Baku World Championships Cadets/Juniors Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
21 05.04.09 / 06.04.09 Belfast World Championships Cadets/Juniors Sabre Men's U20 Komanda
82 05.04.09 / 06.04.09 Belfast World Championships Cadets/Juniors Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
32 05.04.09 / 06.04.09 Belfast World Championships Cadets/Juniors Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
Zonu čempionāts
Rank Date Competition
57 12.06.17 / 17.06.17 Tbilisi European Championships Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
54 20.06.16 / 25.06.16 Torun European Championships Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
45 05.06.15 / 11.06.15 Montreux European Championships Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
23 22.04.15 / 26.04.15 Vicenza European Championships U23 Sabre Men's U23 Individuāls
10 22.04.15 / 26.04.15 Vicenza European Championships U23 Sabre Men's U23 Komanda
6 24.06.14 / 28.06.14 Tbilisi European Championships U23 Sabre Men's U23 Komanda
22 24.06.14 / 28.06.14 Tbilisi European Championships U23 Sabre Men's U23 Individuāls
9 05.06.13 / 09.06.13 Torun European Championships U23 Sabre Men's U23 Komanda
32 05.06.13 / 09.06.13 Torun European Championships U23 Sabre Men's U23 Individuāls
4 27.05.11 / 31.05.11 Kazan European Championships U23 Sabre Men's U23 Komanda
25 27.05.11 / 31.05.11 Kazan European Championships U23 Sabre Men's U23 Individuāls
15 02.03.10 / 03.03.10 Athen European Championships U17 Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
55 17.07.09 / 18.07.09 Plovdiv European Championships Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
13 03.11.08 / 04.11.08 Amsterdam European Championships U20 Sabre Men's U20 Komanda
59 03.11.08 / 04.11.08 Amsterdam European Championships U20 Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
Starptautiskie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
108 09.10.15 / 11.10.15 Tbilisi World Cup Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
23 09.10.15 / 11.10.15 Tbilisi World Cup Sabre Men's Senior Komanda
144 29.05.15 / 30.05.15 Moscow Sabre of Moscow Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
76 28.03.15 / 29.03.15 Seoul Grand Prix Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
2 10.01.15 / 11.01.15 Istanbul Satellite Tournament Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
3 11.10.14 / 12.10.14 Bursa Satellite Tournament Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
118 21.03.14 / 23.03.14 Moscow Sabre of Moscow Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls
18 21.03.14 / 23.03.14 Moscow Sabre of Moscow Sabre Men's Senior Komanda
48 13.02.10 / 14.02.10 Dourdan Coupe de la Ville Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
53 21.09.08 / 22.09.08 Odessa World Cup Sabre Men's U20 Individuāls
Zonu turnīri
Rank Date Competition
15 16.04.16 / 17.04.16 Prague Olympic Games European Qualification Tournament Sabre Men's Senior Individuāls

Match results

Wins Round
Losses Round
Wins Elimination direct
Losses Elimination direct
Total hits
Average hits winning Round
Average hits losing Round
Average hits winning Elimination direct
Average hits losing Elimination direct


Season Selection Discipline Federation Trainingcenter Coach


Club Type Start End  

All information is supplied without liability and all obligation. Competition results are only available for events providing digital result data to Ophardt Online.