
Continental Championships
0 0 1
National Championships
18 3 8
Regional championships
1 2 0

My exams

  2015. gada 31. dec. Turnierreifeprüfung (Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.)

Results last 48 month


Zonu spēles
Rank Date Competition
3 25.06.23 / 30.06.23 Krakow European Games Foil Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition
Starptautiskie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
5 22.07.23 / 30.07.23 Milano World Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
7 19.07.18 / 27.07.18 Wuxi World Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
8 01.04.15 / 09.04.15 Tashkent World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U20 Komanda
Rank Date Competition
16 22.07.23 / 30.07.23 Milano World Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
52 15.07.22 / 23.07.22 Cairo World Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
9 15.07.22 / 23.07.22 Cairo World Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
67 19.07.18 / 27.07.18 Wuxi World Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
26 01.04.16 / 10.04.16 Bourges World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
11 01.04.16 / 10.04.16 Bourges World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U20 Komanda
15 01.04.15 / 09.04.15 Tashkent World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
9 03.04.14 / 12.04.14 Plovdiv World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U20 Komanda
41 03.04.14 / 12.04.14 Plovdiv World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
5 06.04.13 / 15.04.13 Porec World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
7 31.03.12 / 08.04.12 Moscow World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U20 Komanda
19 31.03.12 / 08.04.12 Moscow World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
24 26.03.11 / 06.04.11 Mer Morte World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
Zonu čempionāts
Rank Date Competition
8 18.06.24 / 23.06.24 Basel European Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
3 17.06.22 / 22.06.22 Antalya European Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition
14 18.06.24 / 23.06.24 Basel European Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
31 16.06.23 / 18.06.23 Plovdiv European Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
49 17.06.22 / 22.06.22 Antalya European Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
22 29.05.19 / 02.06.19 Plovdiv European Championships Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
6 29.05.19 / 02.06.19 Plovdiv European Championships Foil Women's U23 Komanda
4 16.06.18 / 21.06.18 Novi Sad European Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
12 04.03.16 / 09.03.16 Novi Sad European Championships U20 Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
15 04.03.16 / 09.03.16 Novi Sad European Championships U20 Foil Women's U20 Komanda
15 01.03.15 / 05.03.15 Maribor European Championships U20 Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
4 01.03.15 / 05.03.15 Maribor European Championships U20 Foil Women's U20 Komanda
6 03.03.14 / 04.03.14 Jerusalem European Championships U20 Team Foil Women's U20 Komanda
24 28.02.14 / 04.03.14 Jerusalem European Championships U20 Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
5 26.02.13 / 02.03.13 Budapest European Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
7 26.02.13 / 02.03.13 Budapest European Championships Foil Women's U17 Komanda
6 28.02.12 / 10.03.12 Porec European Championships U17 Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
6 28.02.12 / 10.03.12 Porec European Championships U20 Foil Women's U20 Komanda
6 28.02.12 / 10.03.12 Porec European Championships U17 Foil Women's U17 Komanda
19 28.02.12 / 10.03.12 Porec European Championships U20 Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
7 28.02.11 / 06.03.11 Klagenfurt European Championships U17 Foil Women's U17 Komanda
34 28.02.11 / 06.03.11 Klagenfurt European Championships U17 Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
Starptautiskie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
5 08.12.23 / 10.12.23 Novi Sad Star Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
8 05.05.23 / 07.05.23 Plovdiv World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
5 23.02.23 / 26.02.23 Cairo National Bank of Egypt World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
2 15.04.22 / 18.04.22 Belgrade World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
7 25.02.22 / 27.02.22 Guadalajara World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition
68 01.05.24 / 03.05.24 Hongkong World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
12 01.05.24 / 03.05.24 Hongkong World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
103 19.04.24 / 21.04.24 Tbilisi World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
12 19.04.24 / 21.04.24 Tbilisi World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
107 22.02.24 / 25.02.24 Cairo National Bank of Egypt World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
12 22.02.24 / 25.02.24 Cairo National Bank of Egypt World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
105 09.02.24 / 11.02.24 Torino Trofeo INALPI Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
118 11.01.24 / 14.01.24 Paris Challenge International de Paris Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
10 11.01.24 / 14.01.24 Paris Challenge International de Paris Foil Women's Senior Komanda
94 08.12.23 / 10.12.23 Novi Sad Star Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
90 02.06.23 / 04.06.23 Tbilisi World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
10 02.06.23 / 04.06.23 Tbilisi World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
69 19.05.23 / 21.05.23 Shanghai Grand Prix Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
108 05.05.23 / 07.05.23 Plovdiv World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
98 17.03.23 / 19.03.23 Busan Grand Prix Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
83 23.02.23 / 26.02.23 Cairo National Bank of Egypt World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
124 10.02.23 / 12.02.23 Torino Trofeo INALPI Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
71 12.01.23 / 15.01.23 Paris Challenge International de Paris Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
13 12.01.23 / 15.01.23 Paris Challenge International de Paris Foil Women's Senior Komanda
11 09.12.22 / 11.12.22 Belgrade Star Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
116 09.12.22 / 11.12.22 Belgrade Star Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
57 13.05.22 / 15.05.22 Incheon Grand Prix Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
106 29.04.22 / 01.05.22 Tauberbischofsheim World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
89 15.04.22 / 18.04.22 Belgrade World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
112 25.02.22 / 27.02.22 Guadalajara World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
9 14.01.22 / 16.01.22 Poznan The Artus Court PKQ BP Foil Women's Senior Komanda
97 14.01.22 / 16.01.22 Poznan The Artus Court PKQ BP Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
102 10.12.21 / 12.12.21 St Maur Challenge International Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
13 10.12.21 / 12.12.21 St Maur Challenge International Foil Women's Senior Komanda
64 26.03.21 / 28.03.21 Doha Grand Prix Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
22 21.02.20 / 23.02.20 Kazan Foil of Kazan Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
148 07.02.20 / 09.02.20 Torino Trofeo INALPI Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
61 10.01.20 / 12.01.20 Katowice The Artus Court PKQ BP Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
91 13.12.19 / 15.12.19 St Maur Challenge International de St. Maur Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
118 22.11.19 / 24.11.19 Cairo World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
78 17.05.19 / 19.05.19 Shanghai Grand Prix Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
114 03.05.19 / 05.05.19 Tauberbischofsheim World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
120 15.03.19 / 17.03.19 Anaheim Grand Prix Anaheim Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
8 01.03.19 / 03.03.19 Cairo Pharaohs Challenge Foil Women's Senior Komanda
93 01.03.19 / 03.03.19 Cairo Pharaohs Challenge Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
56 08.02.19 / 10.02.19 Torino Trofeo INALPI Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
5 25.01.19 / 27.01.19 St. Maur Challenge International de St. Maur Foil Women's Senior Komanda
108 25.01.19 / 27.01.19 St. Maur Challenge International de St. Maur Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
5 11.01.19 / 13.01.19 Katowice The Artus Court PKQ BP Foil Women's Senior Komanda
98 11.01.19 / 13.01.19 Katowice The Artus Court PKQ BP Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
26 23.11.18 / 25.11.18 Algiers World Cup by Ooredoo Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
5 23.11.18 / 25.11.18 Algiers World Cup by Ooredoo Foil Women's Senior Komanda
117 18.05.18 / 20.05.18 Shanghai Grand Prix Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
169 27.04.18 / 29.04.18 Tauberbischofsheim World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
7 27.04.18 / 29.04.18 Tauberbischofsheim World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
91 02.02.18 / 04.02.18 Alger World Cup by Ooredoo Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
4 12.01.18 / 14.01.18 Katowice World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
95 12.01.18 / 14.01.18 Katowice World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
104 01.12.17 / 03.12.17 Torino Trofeo INALPI Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
133 03.11.17 / 05.11.17 St. Maur Challenge International de St. Maur Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
93 13.10.17 / 15.10.17 Cancun World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
5 13.10.17 / 15.10.17 Cancun World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
81 28.04.17 / 30.04.17 Tauberbischofsheim Reinhold-Würth-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
50 13.01.17 / 15.01.17 Alger World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
31 02.12.16 / 04.12.16 Torino Trofeo INALPI Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
92 04.11.16 / 06.11.16 St. Maur Challenge International de St. Maur Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
71 20.05.16 / 22.05.16 Tauberbischofsheim Reinhold-Würth-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
26 30.01.16 / 31.01.16 Zagreb Challenge Mazuranic Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
9 30.01.16 / 31.01.16 Zagreb Challenge Mazuranic Foil Women's U20 Komanda
20 09.01.16 Mödling Wappen von Mödling Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
10 12.12.15 Lyon World Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
8 27.11.15 / 29.11.15 Bratislava Memorial de Martinengo Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
60 06.11.15 / 08.11.15 St. Maur Challenge International de St. Maur Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
12 31.10.15 Bochum Pokal der Stadt Bochum Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
75 01.05.15 / 03.05.15 Tauberbischofsheim Reinhold-Würth-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
75 16.01.15 / 18.01.15 Gdansk The Artus Court PKQ BP Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
23 10.01.15 / 11.01.15 Mödling Wappen von Mödling Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
9 13.12.14 / 14.12.14 Lyon World Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
82 28.11.14 / 30.11.14 Torino Trofeo INALPI Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
33 21.11.14 / 23.11.14 Bratislava Memorial de Martinengo Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
7 21.11.14 / 23.11.14 Bratislava Memorial de Martinengo Foil Women's U20 Komanda
114 07.11.14 / 09.11.14 St. Maur Challenge International de St. Maur Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
6 01.11.14 Bochum Pokal der Stadt Bochum Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
18 15.02.14 / 16.02.14 Budapest Coupe Herakles Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
79 31.01.14 / 01.02.14 Gdansk The Artus Court PKQ BP Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
5 30.11.13 Bochum Pokal der Stadt Bochum Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
24 16.11.13 / 17.11.13 Bratislava Memorial de Martinengo Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
23 09.11.13 / 10.11.13 Luxembourg Challenge Coulon/Flesch Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
114 08.03.13 / 10.03.13 Tauberbischofsheim Reinhold-Würth-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
35 02.02.13 Lyon World Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
42 01.12.12 Bochum Pokal der Stadt Bochum Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
98 17.11.12 / 18.11.12 Bratislava Memorial de Martinengo Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
64 03.11.12 / 04.11.12 Luxembourg Challenge Coulon/Flesch Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
117 10.02.12 / 12.02.12 Tauberbischofsheim Reinhold-Würth-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
48 04.02.12 Lyon World Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
42 21.01.12 Zagreb Challenge Mazuranic Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
12 17.12.11 / 18.12.11 Leszno World Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
72 03.12.11 Bochum Pokal der Stadt Bochum Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
35 19.11.11 / 20.11.11 Bratislava Memorial de Martinengo Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
57 19.02.11 / 20.02.11 Budapest Coupe Herakles Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
60 05.02.11 / 06.02.11 Lyon World Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
97 22.01.11 Zagreb Challenge Mazuranic Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
59 04.12.10 / 05.12.10 Waldkirch World Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
55 24.01.10 / 25.01.10 Waldkirch World Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
Zonu turnīri
Rank Date Competition
4 06.10.23 / 08.10.23 Cagliari Coupe d'Europe Foil Women's Senior Komanda
1 04.03.23 / 05.03.23 Brno Sokol Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
17 18.11.23 / 19.11.23 Antony Paris Antony Open Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
18 23.02.19 Goeppingen International Stauferland Tournament Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
10 14.04.18 Goeppingen Int. Stauferland-Turnier Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 11.03.17 Goeppingen Int. Stauferland-Turnier Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
10 20.02.16 / 21.02.16 Goeppingen Int. Stauferland-Turnier Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
33 21.03.15 Goeppingen Int. Stauferland-Turnier Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
13 26.04.14 / 27.04.14 Goeppingen Int. Stauferland-Turnier Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
18 27.04.13 / 28.04.13 Goeppingen Int. Stauferland-Turnier U23 European Circuit Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
8 24.11.12 / 25.11.12 Tauberbischofsheim Pokal der Sparkasse Tauberfranken Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
6 10.11.12 / 11.11.12 Mödling Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
5 20.10.12 / 21.10.12 Samorin Coupe de Samaria Foil Women's U17 Komanda
7 20.10.12 / 21.10.12 Samorin Coupe de Samaria Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
41 21.04.12 / 22.04.12 Göppingen Int. Stauferland-Tournament Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 26.11.11 / 27.11.11 Tauberbischofsheim Pokal der Sparkasse Tauberfranken Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
2 29.10.11 / 30.10.11 Samorin Coupe de Samaria Foil Women's U17 Komanda
35 29.10.11 / 30.10.11 Samorin Coupe de Samaria Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
17 30.09.11 / 02.10.11 Budapest Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
27 30.04.11 / 01.05.11 Goeppingen Int. Stauferland-Tournament Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
19 27.11.10 / 28.11.10 Tauberbischofsheim Pokal der Sparkasse Tauberfranken Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
3 13.11.10 / 14.11.10 Salzburg Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
17 01.10.10 / 02.10.10 Budapest Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
45 24.10.09 / 25.10.09 Tauberbischofsheim Pokal der Sparkasse Tauberfranken Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
184 25.10.08 / 26.10.08 Tauberbischofsheim Pokal der Sparkasse Tauberfranken Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
Nacionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
6 23.03.24 / 24.03.24 Bonn German Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 23.03.24 / 24.03.24 Bonn German Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
1 15.04.23 / 16.04.23 Esslingen German Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
3 22.05.22 Tauberbischofsheim / Berlin German Championships / The Finals Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 22.05.22 Tauberbischofsheim / Berlin German Championships / The Finals Foil Women's Senior Komanda
3 27.11.21 / 28.11.21 Tauberbischofsheim German Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 27.11.21 / 28.11.21 Tauberbischofsheim German Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition
9 15.04.23 / 16.04.23 Esslingen German Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
5 23.03.19 / 24.03.19 Tauberbischofsheim German Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 23.03.19 / 24.03.19 Tauberbischofsheim German Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
17 24.03.18 / 25.03.18 Tauberbischofsheim German Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 24.03.18 / 25.03.18 Tauberbischofsheim German Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
1 25.03.17 / 26.03.17 Tauberbischofsheim German Samsung Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
9 25.03.17 / 26.03.17 Tauberbischofsheim German Samsung Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
14 14.05.16 / 15.05.16 Reims French Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda N1
3 30.04.16 / 01.05.16 Saarbrücken German Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
2 30.04.16 / 01.05.16 Saarbrücken German Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
1 19.03.16 / 20.03.16 Tauberbischofsheim German Samsung Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
7 19.03.16 / 20.03.16 Tauberbischofsheim German Samsung Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 25.04.15 / 26.04.15 Weinheim German Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
1 25.04.15 / 26.04.15 Weinheim German Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
24 28.03.15 / 29.03.15 Tauberbischofsheim German Samsung Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 17.05.14 / 18.05.14 Koblenz German Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
1 17.05.14 / 18.05.14 Koblenz German Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
18 10.05.14 / 11.05.14 Tauberbischofsheim German Samsung Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 11.05.13 / 12.05.13 Schwerin German Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
1 11.05.13 / 12.05.13 Schwerin German Championships Foil Women's U17 Komanda
19 20.04.13 / 21.04.13 Tauberbischofsheim German Samsung Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
2 13.10.12 / 14.10.12 Bonn German Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
10 13.10.12 / 14.10.12 Bonn German Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
1 12.05.12 / 13.05.12 Schwerin German Championships Foil Women's U17 Komanda
2 12.05.12 / 13.05.12 Schwerin German Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
21 14.01.12 / 15.01.12 Tauberbischofsheim German Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
6 22.10.11 / 23.10.11 Bonn German Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
1 22.10.11 / 23.10.11 Bonn German Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
1 14.05.11 / 15.05.11 Laupheim German Championships Foil Women's U17 Komanda
1 14.05.11 / 15.05.11 Laupheim German Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
33 15.01.11 / 16.01.11 Offenbach German Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
8 18.12.10 / 19.12.10 Schwerin German Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
1 12.06.10 / 13.06.10 Samtens/Rügen German Championships Foil Women's U14+U13 Komanda
1 12.06.10 / 13.06.10 Samtens/Rügen German Championships Foil Women's U14 Individuāls
33 09.01.10 / 10.01.10 Tauberbischofsheim German Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
16 14.11.09 / 15.11.09 Schwerin German Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
3 07.11.09 / 08.11.09 Bonn German Championships Foil Women's U17 Komanda
12 07.11.09 / 08.11.09 Bonn German Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
1 21.06.09 / 22.06.09 Schkeuditz German GLOBANA Championships Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
3 23.05.09 / 24.05.09 Bad Segeberg German Championships Epee Women's U13 Individuāls
11 09.05.09 / 10.05.09 Kirchlengern Quernheim German Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
Nacionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
5 14.10.23 / 15.10.23 Esslingen Esslinger Burg-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
2 17.12.22 / 18.12.22 Halle International Händel-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 29.10.22 Cottbus ekays - Women's Foil Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 23.06.22 / 26.06.22 Berlin The Finals Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 23.06.22 / 26.06.22 Berlin The Finals Foil Women's Senior Komanda
2 23.04.22 / 24.04.22 Bonn International Tournament Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
2 07.11.21 Cottbus ekays - Women's Foil Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
4 13.03.21 / 14.03.21 Tauberbischofsheim German Masters Serie B Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
4 12.12.20 / 13.12.20 Tauberbischofsheim German Masters Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
11 16.03.24 / 17.03.24 Weinheim Plasma Liquid Cup 2024 Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
7 26.10.19 Cottbus ekays - Women's Foil Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 27.10.18 Cottbus ekays - Women's Foil Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
5 21.10.17 Cottbus ekays - Women's Foil Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
19 01.10.16 Mosbach Toto-Lotto-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 07.02.16 Moers Qualification Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
21 03.10.15 Mosbach Toto-Lotto-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
9 27.09.15 Jena International Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
17 15.11.14 Mosbach Toto-Lotto-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 27.09.14 Jena International Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
3 19.01.14 Moers U20 Q Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
17 07.12.13 Mosbach Toto-Lotto-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 21.09.13 Jena International Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
2 19.01.13 / 20.01.13 Moers Sparkassen-Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
20 08.12.12 Mosbach Toto-Lotto-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
13 19.05.12 Jena National Junior Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
21 28.01.12 / 29.01.12 Mosbach Toto-Lotto-Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 05.11.11 / 06.11.11 Jena Fair Resort Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
5 28.05.11 Jena Nationales Junioren Turnier Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
3 29.01.11 / 30.01.11 Moers Sparkassen-Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
2 30.10.10 / 31.10.10 Jena Fair Resort Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
63 16.10.10 / 17.10.10 Mosbach Gelita Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
19 19.06.10 / 20.06.10 Donauwörth Nationales Junioren Turnier Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
27 24.04.10 / 25.04.10 Göppingen Int. Stauferland-Turnier Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
6 06.02.10 / 07.02.10 Jena Fair Resort Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
33 19.12.09 / 20.12.09 Mosbach Gelita-CUP Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 05.12.09 / 06.12.09 Moers Sparkassen-Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
23 16.05.09 / 17.05.09 Donauwörth Nationales Junioren Turnier Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
57 07.02.09 / 08.02.09 Jena Fair Resort Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
Reģionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
2 20.12.15 Tauberbischofsheim Championships of Baden-Nord Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
2 22.06.13 / 23.06.13 Tauberbischofsheim Championships of Baden-Nord Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
5 23.06.12 / 24.06.12 Tauberbischofsheim Nordbadische Meisterschaft Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 09.07.11 / 10.07.11 Tauberbischofsheim Nordbadische Meisterschaft Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
Reģionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
5 20.03.10 / 21.03.10 Halle Internationaler König-Pokal Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
1 07.03.09 / 08.03.09 Reutlingen Achalm-Turnier Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
1 22.11.08 / 23.11.08 Stuttgart Rössle-Pokalturnier Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
1 08.11.08 / 09.11.08 Coburg Coburger Mohr Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
3 19.01.08 / 20.01.08 Weinheim Bergstraßen-Turnier Foil Women's U12 Individuāls
3 25.03.06 / 26.03.06 Heidenheim Mini-Marathon Foil Women's U10 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
1 10.02.17 / 12.02.17 Heidelberg German University Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
5 30.09.07 / 01.10.07 Korb Korber Erdluitle Foil Women's U12 Individuāls
5 30.09.07 / 01.10.07 Korb Korber Erdluitle Foil Women's U12 Individuāls

Match results





Season 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022
Wins Round 30 50 36
Losses Round 16 28 22
Wins Elimination direct 9 25 17
Losses Elimination direct 11 13 11
Total hits 400 775 582
Average hits winning Round 4.97 (5 / 4.94) 4.88 (4.87 / 4.89) 5 (5 / 5)
Average hits losing Round 1.81 (1.64 / 2.2) 2.14 (1.87 / 2.46) 2.09 (1.7 / 2.42)
Average hits winning Elimination direct 15 (15 / 15) 14.76 (15 / 14.45) 14.82 (15 / 14.73)
Average hits losing Elimination direct 7.91 (6.8 / 8.83) 7.85 (8.18 / 6) 9.45 (9.75 / 9.29)



Rank Points Season Title Competition
46 34.7500 2024 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
46 30.2500 2023 Olympic Ranking (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
43 35.7500 2023 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
50 31.2500 2022 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
103 10.5000 2021 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
118 10.5000 2020 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
136 5.5000 2019 Olympic Ranking (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
134 9.0000 2019 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
137 10.0000 2018 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
179 5.5000 2017 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
93 8.0000 2018 EFC (unofficial) Foil U23 Individuāls
70 8.0000 2017 EFC (unofficial) Foil U23 Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
13 20.0000 2024 Deutsche Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
10 31.0000 2023 Deutsche Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
5 41.0000 2022 Deutsche Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
3 53.0000 2021 Deutsche Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
5 37.0000 2020 Deutsche Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
5 37.0000 2019 Deutsche Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
4 38.0000 2018 Deutsche Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
10 23.0000 2017 Deutsche Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
11 84.0000 2024 Nordbadische Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
11 84.0000 2023 Nordbadische Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
3 144.0000 2022 Nordbadische Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
2 168.0000 2021 Nordbadische Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
7 48.0000 2020 Nordbadische Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
4 96.0000 2019 Nordbadische Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
5 132.0000 2018 Nordbadische Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
2 110.0000 2017 Nordbadische Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
Season Selection Discipline Federation Trainingcenter Coach
2024/2025 Perspektivkader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2023/2024 Olympiakader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2022/2023 Perspektivkader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2021/2022 Perspektivkader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2020/2021 Perspektivkader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2019/2020 Perspektivkader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2018/2019 Olympiakader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2017/2018 Perspektivkader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2016/2017 B-Bundeskader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2015/2016 C-Bundeskader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2014/2015 C-Bundeskader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2013/2014 C-Bundeskader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2012/2013 C-Bundeskader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2011/2012 Verbandskader Nachwuchs Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2010/2011 DC-Bundeskader Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2010/2011 Verbandskader Nachwuchs Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.
2009/2010 Verbandskader Nachwuchs Foil Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.


Club Type Start End  
FC Tauberbischofsheim (GER) Club 2007. gada 1. janv. First membership

All information is supplied without liability and all obligation. Competition results are only available for events providing digital result data to Ophardt Online.