
National Championships
1 0 0
Regional championships
0 1 2

My exams

  2024. gada 8. jūl. Athletiktest U15 (Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.) UFTRING Niklas
  2023. gada 6. okt. Athletiktest U15 (Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.) UFTRING Niklas
  2023. gada 10. jūl. Athletiktest U13 (Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.) UFTRING Niklas
  2022. gada 24. febr. Turnierreifeprüfung (Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.) HELL Tobias

Results last 48 month


Zonu turnīri
Rank Date Competition
210 07.12.24 / 08.12.24 Eislingen Allstar - Cup Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
30 07.12.24 / 08.12.24 Eislingen Allstar - Cup Sabre Men's U17 Komanda
137 16.11.24 / 17.11.24 Sofia Etropolski’s sabre Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
22 29.06.24 / 30.06.24 Budapest U14 EFC Festival Sabre Men's U14 Individuāls
217 09.12.23 / 10.12.23 Eislingen Wiekhorst - Cup Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
21 29.04.23 Praha Golden Leaf Sabre Men's U14 Individuāls
Nacionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
4 22.06.24 / 23.06.24 Nürnberg German Championships Sabre Men's U15 Komanda
4 25.05.24 / 26.05.24 Bielefeld German Championships Sabre Men's U17 Komanda
6 20.05.23 / 21.05.23 Bielefeld German Championships Sabre Men's U13 Individuāls
1 20.05.23 / 21.05.23 Bielefeld German Championships Sabre Men's U13 Komanda
4 13.05.23 / 14.05.23 Nürnberg German Championships Sabre Men's U15 Komanda
8 30.04.22 / 01.05.22 Dormagen German Championships Sabre Men's U13 Komanda
Rank Date Competition
17 22.06.24 / 23.06.24 Nürnberg German Championships Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
24 25.05.24 / 26.05.24 Bielefeld German Championships Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
28 13.05.23 / 14.05.23 Nürnberg German Championships Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
36 30.04.22 / 01.05.22 Dormagen German Championships Sabre Men's U13 Individuāls
Nacionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
26 02.11.24 Kenten Memoriam Willy Schlegelmilch Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
46 28.09.24 Mainz Mainzer-Cup Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
49 21.03.24 / 25.03.24 Wroclaw Challenge Wratislavia Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
57 04.11.23 / 05.11.23 Kenten Memoriam Willy Schlegelmilch Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
53 23.09.23 Mainz 3. RoboMarkets-Cup Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
Reģionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
8 16.03.24 / 17.03.24 Nürnberg Bayerische Säbel Meisterschaften Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
3 16.03.24 / 17.03.24 Nürnberg Bayerische Säbel Meisterschaften Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
3 04.03.23 / 05.03.23 Nürnberg Bayerische Säbel Meisterschaften Sabre Men's U13 Individuāls
2 04.03.23 / 05.03.23 Nürnberg Bayerische Säbel Meisterschaften Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
10 12.03.22 / 13.03.22 Nürnberg Bavarian Championships Sabre Men's U13 Individuāls
Reģionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
4 01.02.25 / 02.02.25 Munich Luitpold-Cup Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
5 30.11.24 / 01.12.24 Mainz Winter-Cup Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
7 09.03.24 / 10.03.24 Künzelsau Sparkassen-Cup Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
2 24.02.24 / 25.02.24 Munich Luitpold-Cup Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
7 24.02.24 / 25.02.24 Munich Luitpold-Cup Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
4 01.04.23 / 02.04.23 Eislingen Salvia Gebäudetechnik - Cup Sabre Men's U13 Individuāls
2 11.03.23 / 12.03.23 Künzelsau Sparkassen-Cup Sabre Men's U13 Individuāls
3 21.01.23 / 22.01.23 München Luitpold-Cup Sabre Men's U13 Individuāls
4 03.12.22 / 04.12.22 Mainz Winter-Cup Sabre Men's U13 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
14 11.01.25 / 12.01.25 Nuremberg Trichter of Nürnberg Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
10 30.11.24 / 01.12.24 Mainz Winter-Cup Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
18 27.01.24 / 28.01.24 Nuremberg Trichter of Nürnberg Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
12 11.11.23 / 12.11.23 Mainz Winter-Cup Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
13 11.11.23 / 12.11.23 Mainz Winter-Cup Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
17 01.04.23 / 02.04.23 Eislingen Salvia Gebäudetechnik - Cup Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
11 11.03.23 / 12.03.23 Künzelsau Sparkassen-Cup Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
18 03.12.22 / 04.12.22 Mainz Winter-Cup Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
4 15.10.22 / 16.10.22 Nuremberg Trichter of Nürnberg Sabre Men's U13 Individuāls
3 01.10.22 Eschenbach Memoriam Heiner-Kaldschmidt Sabre Men's U13 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
12 11.01.25 / 12.01.25 Nuremberg Trichter of Nürnberg Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
24 09.03.24 / 10.03.24 Künzelsau Sparkassen-Cup Sabre Men's U17 Individuāls
11 27.01.24 / 28.01.24 Nuremberg Trichter of Nürnberg Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls
19 15.10.22 / 16.10.22 Nuremberg Trichter of Nürnberg Sabre Men's U15 Individuāls

Match results





Season 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023
Wins Round 38 67 89
Losses Round 20 53 57
Wins Elimination direct 13 23 27
Losses Elimination direct 14 20 19
Total hits 570 957 1044
Average hits winning Round 5 (5 / 5) 5 (5 / 5) 5 (5 / 5)
Average hits losing Round 2.1 (2.43 / 1.92) 2.02 (1.93 / 2.12) 2.16 (2.13 / 2.2)
Average hits winning Elimination direct 15 (15 / 15) 15 (15 / 15) 12.59 (11.67 / 13.33)
Average hits losing Elimination direct 10.21 (9.67 / 10.63) 8.5 (9.5 / 7.83) 7.16 (7 / 7.33)



Rank Points Season Title Competition
418 0.0000 2024 EFC (unofficial) Sabre U17 Individuāls
530 0.0000 2023 EFC (unofficial) Sabre U17 Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
4 78.0000 2024 Deutsche Rangliste Sabre U15 Individuāls
27 3.0000 2024 Deutsche Rangliste Sabre U17 Individuāls
40 3.0000 2023 Deutsche Rangliste Sabre U17 Individuāls
17 1.0000 2023 Deutsche Rangliste Sabre U15 Individuāls
6 1.0000 2022 Deutsche Rangliste Sabre U13 Individuāls
28 1.0000 2022 Deutsche Rangliste Sabre U15 Individuāls
36 1.0000 2021 Deutsche Rangliste Sabre U13 Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
3 62.0000 2024 Bayerische Rangliste Sabre U17 Individuāls
2 38.0000 2024 Bayerische Rangliste Sabre U15 Individuāls
8 30.0000 2023 Bayerische Rangliste Sabre U17 Individuāls
3 34.0000 2023 Bayerische Rangliste Sabre U15 Individuāls
2 58.4000 2022 Bayerische Rangliste Sabre U13 Individuāls
2 24.0000 2022 Bayerische Rangliste Sabre U15 Individuāls
11 4.0000 2021 Bayerische Rangliste Sabre U13 Individuāls
Season Selection Discipline Federation Trainingcenter Coach
2024/2025 Landeskader Sabre Bayerischer Fechterverband e.V. Landesleistungsstützpunkt Nürnberg
2023/2024 Landeskader Sabre Bayerischer Fechterverband e.V. Landesleistungsstützpunkt Nürnberg


Club Type Start End  
FR Nürnberg (GER) Club 2020. gada 8. dec. First membership

All information is supplied without liability and all obligation. Competition results are only available for events providing digital result data to Ophardt Online.