
National Championships
5 6 9

My coaches

Results last 48 month


Zonu spēles
Rank Date Competition
23 25.06.23 / 30.06.23 Krakow European Games Epee Men's Senior Komanda
91 25.06.23 / 30.06.23 Krakow European Games Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
Starptautiskie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
170 12.04.24 / 20.04.24 Riyadh World Championships Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
163 22.07.23 / 30.07.23 Milano World Championships Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
35 01.04.23 / 12.04.23 Plovdiv World Championships Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
181 15.07.22 / 23.07.22 Cairo World Championships Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
10 02.04.22 / 10.04.22 Dubai World Championships Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
76 03.04.21 / 11.04.21 Cairo World Championships Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
Zonu čempionāts
Rank Date Competition
77 26.02.24 / 29.02.24 Neaples European Championships Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
15 26.02.24 / 29.02.24 Neaples European Championships Epee Men's U20 Komanda
11 21.02.23 / 24.02.23 Tallinn European Championships Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
10 21.02.23 / 24.02.23 Tallinn European Championships Epee Men's U17 Komanda
93 17.06.22 / 22.06.22 Antalya European Championships Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
41 03.03.22 / 07.03.22 Novi Sad European Championships Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
15 03.03.22 / 07.03.22 Novi Sad European Championships Epee Men's U17 Komanda
20 26.02.22 / 02.03.22 Novi Sad European Championships Epee Men's U20 Komanda
25 22.02.20 / 26.02.20 Porec European Championships Epee Men's U17 Komanda
118 22.02.20 / 26.02.20 Porec European Championships Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
Starptautiskie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
2 14.12.24 / 15.12.24 Lagos Trojans Epee Men's U20 Komanda
3 15.11.24 / 16.11.24 San Jose San Jose World Cup Epee Men's U20 Komanda
5 01.11.24 / 03.11.24 San Salvador San Salvador World Cup Epee Men's U20 Komanda
Rank Date Competition
18 04.01.25 / 05.01.25 Bale World Cup of Switzerland Epee Men's U20 Komanda
162 04.01.25 / 05.01.25 Bale World Cup of Switzerland Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
13 14.12.24 / 15.12.24 Lagos Trojans Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
95 29.11.24 / 01.12.24 Hong Kong Hong Kong World Cup Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
10 29.11.24 / 01.12.24 Hong Kong Hong Kong World Cup Epee Men's U20 Komanda
10 15.11.24 / 16.11.24 San Jose San Jose World Cup Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
35 01.11.24 / 03.11.24 San Salvador San Salvador World Cup Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
27 04.01.24 / 07.01.24 Udine Alpe Adria Epee Men's U20 Komanda
150 04.01.24 / 07.01.24 Udine Alpe Adria Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
196 16.12.23 / 17.12.23 Athens Athens Cup Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
25 16.12.23 / 17.12.23 Athens Athens Cup Epee Men's U20 Komanda
257 10.11.23 / 12.11.23 Berne Bern World Cup Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
263 10.03.23 / 12.03.23 Budapest Westend-Grand Prix Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
Zonu turnīri
Rank Date Competition
0 28.01.23 / 29.01.23 Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Europcup Epee Men's U17 Komanda
3 13.01.23 / 15.01.23 Bratislava Coupe du Danube Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
2 09.12.22 / 10.12.22 Leipzig Cadet Circuit Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
5 26.11.22 / 27.11.22 Copenhagen Copenhagen Cadet Circuit Epee Men's U17 Komanda
7 28.10.22 / 29.10.22 Klagenfurt Trofeo Maestro Dario Codarin Epee Men's U17 Komanda
7 22.01.22 / 23.01.22 Thessaloniki Helexpo Cup Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
8 23.10.21 / 24.10.21 Belgrade Belgrade Open Epee Men's U17 Komanda
Rank Date Competition
20 11.02.23 / 12.02.23 Krakow Wawel Dragon Trophy Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
9 28.01.23 / 29.01.23 Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Europcup Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
14 13.01.23 / 15.01.23 Bratislava Coupe du Danube Epee Men's U17 Komanda
11 09.12.22 / 10.12.22 Leipzig Cadet Circuit Epee Men's U17 Komanda
37 26.11.22 / 27.11.22 Copenhagen Copenhagen Cadet Circuit Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
83 28.10.22 / 29.10.22 Klagenfurt Trofeo Maestro Dario Codarin Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
11 22.10.22 / 23.10.22 Belgrade Belgrade Open Epee Men's U17 Komanda
78 22.10.22 / 23.10.22 Belgrade Belgrade Open Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
38 08.10.22 / 09.10.22 Budapest Budapest Cup Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
11 08.10.22 / 09.10.22 Budapest Budapest Cup Epee Men's U17 Komanda
47 14.01.22 / 16.01.22 Bratislava Coupe du Danube Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
16 14.01.22 / 16.01.22 Bratislava Coupe du Danube Epee Men's U17 Komanda
38 23.10.21 / 24.10.21 Belgrade Belgrade Open Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
44 02.10.21 / 03.10.21 Budapest Budapest Cup Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
11 02.10.21 / 03.10.21 Budapest Budapest Cup Epee Men's U17 Komanda
184 10.01.20 / 12.01.20 Bratislava Coupe du Danube Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
315 05.10.19 / 06.10.19 Budapest Budapest Cup Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
13 01.12.18 / 02.12.18 Thessaloniki European Circuit Epee Men's U14 Individuāls
48 02.12.17 Thessaloniki European Circuit Epee Men's U14 Individuāls
Nacionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
2 28.06.24 / 30.06.24 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
1 28.06.24 / 30.06.24 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U20 Komanda
3 23.03.24 / 24.03.24 ATHENS OLYMPIC COMPLEX Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
1 23.03.24 / 24.03.24 ATHENS OLYMPIC COMPLEX Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Komanda
2 08.07.23 / 09.07.23 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U20 Komanda
3 08.07.23 / 09.07.23 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
1 06.05.23 / 07.05.23 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U17 Komanda
3 06.05.23 / 07.05.23 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
2 29.04.23 / 30.04.23 ATHENS OLYMPIC COMPLEX Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Komanda
3 29.04.23 / 30.04.23 ATHENS OLYMPIC COMPLEX Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
8 07.05.22 / 08.05.22 ATHENS OLYMPIC COMPLEX Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
1 07.05.22 / 08.05.22 ATHENS OLYMPIC COMPLEX Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Komanda
3 29.01.22 / 30.01.22 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U20 Komanda
2 08.01.22 / 09.01.22 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U17 Komanda
3 08.01.22 / 09.01.22 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
7 17.09.21 / 19.09.21 ATHENS OLYMPIC COMPLEX Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
4 09.07.21 / 11.07.21 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U20 Komanda
3 28.05.21 / 30.05.21 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U17 Komanda
3 28.05.21 / 30.05.21 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
5 31.10.20 / 01.11.20 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Komanda
6 08.02.20 / 09.02.20 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U20 Komanda
Rank Date Competition
15 29.01.22 / 30.01.22 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
19 09.07.21 / 11.07.21 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
21 31.10.20 / 01.11.20 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
25 08.02.20 / 09.02.20 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
2 25.01.20 / 26.01.20 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
2 25.01.20 / 26.01.20 ATHENS Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U17 Komanda
1 18.05.19 / 19.05.19 ATHENS OLYMPIC COMPLEX Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U13 Individuāls
69 11.05.19 / 12.05.19 PAIANIA Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
7 11.05.19 / 12.05.19 PAIANIA Hellenic Championships Epee Men's Senior Komanda
3 23.06.18 / 24.06.18 Olympic Stadium Athens Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U13+U12 Individuāls
4 23.06.18 / 24.06.18 Olympic Stadium Athens Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U13+U12 Komanda
43 21.01.17 / 22.01.17 PAGKORASIDON Hellenic Championships Epee Men's U14+U13 Individuāls
Nacionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
6 19.10.24 ATHENS Cup Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
3 21.09.24 ATHENS CUP Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
8 03.02.24 ATHENS 3rd CUP Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
5 09.12.23 / 10.12.23 THESSALONIKI XIFOMACHOS CUP Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
8 21.10.23 ATHENS 2nd CUP Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
2 23.09.23 THESSALONIKI PYLEA CUP Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
2 22.01.23 ATHENS CUP Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
5 19.11.22 / 20.11.22 ATHENS CUP Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
1 05.11.22 / 06.11.22 FLORINA LIGISTIS CUP Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
2 16.10.22 ATHENS CUP Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
1 17.09.22 ATHENS CUP Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
3 11.03.22 / 14.03.22 Thessaloniki CUP Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
3 19.02.22 Chania Crete CUP Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
2 18.12.21 / 19.12.21 VARI CUP Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
8 11.12.21 ΜΕΤΣΟΒΟ - ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ CUP "CHRISTOS ZALOKOSTAS" Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
2 13.11.21 / 14.11.21 FLORINA LYGKISTIS CUP Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
13 21.12.24 / 22.12.24 PENTELI LYNX CUP Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
12 26.11.23 ATHENS 3rd Cup Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
6 21.12.19 ATHENS EPEE CUP Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
11 30.11.19 / 01.12.19 ATHENS EPEE CUP Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
11 23.11.19 / 24.11.19 Thessaloniki CUP Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
37 19.10.19 ATHENS EPEE CUP Epee Men's U20 Individuāls
8 12.10.19 IOANNINA EPEE CUP "CHR.ZALOKOSTA" Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
22 14.09.19 / 15.09.19 FLORINA LIGISTIS CUP Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
81 03.12.16 Olympic Stadium Athens U17 Cup II Epee Men's U17 Individuāls
Reģionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
3 23.09.18 ATHENS EPEE CUP Epee Men's U13 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
8 04.11.23 PATRA 1st CUP Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
3 22.04.23 PAIANIA Cup Andreas Germakopoulos - Niki Sidiropoulou Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
6 17.03.23 / 19.03.23 Thessaloniki XIFOMACHOS CUP Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
2 05.05.22 / 06.05.22 Athens SXOLIKO PROTATHLIMA Epee Men's U18 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
10 26.10.24 / 27.10.24 Thessaloniki PYLAIA CUP Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
9 14.03.23 / 16.03.23 Athen School Cup U19 Epee Men's U19 Individuāls
36 15.02.20 ATHENS Cup Andreas Germakopoulos Epee Men's Senior Individuāls
1 23.11.19 Thessaloniki International Cup U14 Epee Men's U14 Individuāls
5 02.03.19 / 03.03.19 ATHENS OAKA YOUNGSTERS CUP Epee Men's U13 Individuāls
8 10.03.18 Olympic Stadium Athens KYPELLO PAMPAIDON PAGKORASIDON Epee Men's U13 Individuāls
15 25.11.17 Olympic Stadium Athens Boys+ Girls Cup Epee Men's U13 Individuāls
National Cup
Rank Date Competition
1 03.11.18 / 04.11.18 ATHENS EPEE CUP Epee Men's U13 Individuāls

Match results





Season 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023
Wins Round 39 54 113
Losses Round 13 26 29
Wins Elimination direct 10 24 58
Losses Elimination direct 9 12 20
Total hits 476 817 1712
Average hits winning Round 4.9 (4.89 / 4.9) 5 (5 / 5) 4.98 (4.97 / 5)
Average hits losing Round 3.23 (3 / 3.33) 2.42 (2.6 / 2.31) 2.45 (2.65 / 2.17)
Average hits winning Elimination direct 15 (15 / 15) 14.96 (15 / 14.91) 14.9 (14.96 / 14.85)
Average hits losing Elimination direct 10.33 (10.2 / 10.5) 10.42 (10.18 / 13) 10.7 (11.09 / 10.22)



Rank Points Season Title Competition
55 20.7500 2024 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls
55 20.7500 2024 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls
425 0.6300 2023 Olympic Ranking (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls
389 2.0000 2023 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls
840 0.0000 2023 FIE (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls
433 0.6300 2022 FIE (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls
570 0.0000 2021 FIE (unofficial) Epee Senior Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
7 204.0000 2022 EFC (unofficial) Epee U17 Individuāls
40 66.0000 2021 EFC (unofficial) Epee U17 Individuāls
320 0.0000 2020 EFC (unofficial) Epee U17 Individuāls
612 0.0000 2019 EFC (unofficial) Epee U17 Individuāls
612 0.0000 2019 EFC (unofficial) Epee U17 Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
3 335.0000 2024 Hellenic Ranking Epee U20 Individuāls
4 312.5000 2024 Hellenic Ranking Epee Senior Individuāls
3 322.5000 2023 Hellenic Ranking Epee Senior Individuāls
13 52.0000 2023 Hellenic Championships Individuāls
3 335.0000 2023 Hellenic Ranking Epee U20 Individuāls
4 72.0000 2022 Hellenic Championships Individuāls
1 617.6800 2022 Hellenic Ranking Epee U17 Individuāls
1 449.2300 2022 Hellenic Ranking Epee Senior Individuāls
9 268.3500 2022 Hellenic Ranking Epee U20 Individuāls
11 50.0000 2021 Hellenic Championships Individuāls
13 169.5000 2021 Hellenic Ranking Epee U20 Individuāls
2 467.2500 2021 Hellenic Ranking Epee U17 Individuāls
4 305.7500 2021 Hellenic Ranking Epee Senior Individuāls
2 332.5000 2020 Hellenic Ranking Epee U17 Individuāls
19 140.0000 2020 Hellenic Ranking Epee U20 Individuāls
19 152.5000 2020 Hellenic Ranking Epee Senior Individuāls
29 46.0000 2020 Hellenic Championships Individuāls
6 265.0000 2019 Hellenic Ranking Epee U17 Individuāls
23 87.5000 2019 Hellenic Ranking Epee U20 Individuāls
26 85.0000 2019 Hellenic Ranking Epee Senior Individuāls
128 0.0000 2018 Hellenic Ranking Epee Senior Individuāls
2 335.0000 2018 Hellenic Ranking Epee U13 Individuāls
6 232.5000 2017 Hellenic Ranking Epee U13 Individuāls
Season Selection Discipline Federation Trainingcenter Coach


Club Type Start End  
A.O.ARISTON PAIANIAS (GRE) Club First membership

All information is supplied without liability and all obligation. Competition results are only available for events providing digital result data to Ophardt Online.