
National Championships
16 9 11

Results last 48 month


Zonu spēles
Rank Date Competition
7 25.06.23 / 30.06.23 Krakow European Games Foil Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition
32 25.06.23 / 30.06.23 Krakow European Games Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
18 19.11.21 / 21.11.21 Carrara Mediterranean Championships Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
3 27.01.17 / 29.01.17 Marseille Mediterranean Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
11 27.01.17 / 29.01.17 Marseille Mediterranean Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
3 30.01.15 / 01.02.15 Guadalajara Mediterranean Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
6 01.02.14 / 03.02.14 Chiavari Mediterranean Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
Starptautiskie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
6 15.07.22 / 23.07.22 Cairo World Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition
73 22.07.23 / 30.07.23 Milano World Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
15 22.07.23 / 30.07.23 Milano World Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
53 15.07.22 / 23.07.22 Cairo World Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
13 03.04.21 / 11.04.21 Cairo World Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
29 03.04.21 / 11.04.21 Cairo World Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
78 06.04.19 / 14.04.19 Torun World Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
32 01.04.18 / 10.04.18 Verona World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
11 01.04.17 / 10.04.17 Plovdiv World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U20 Komanda
57 01.04.17 / 10.04.17 Plovdiv World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
76 01.04.17 / 10.04.17 Plovdiv World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
28 01.04.16 / 10.04.16 Bourges World Championships Cadets/Juniors Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
Zonu čempionāts
Rank Date Competition
6 18.06.24 / 23.06.24 Basel European Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
7 16.06.23 / 18.06.23 Plovdiv European Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
5 17.06.22 / 22.06.22 Antalya European Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition
53 18.06.24 / 23.06.24 Basel European Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
18 01.06.24 / 04.06.24 Antalya European Championships Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
44 17.06.22 / 22.06.22 Antalya European Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
40 27.02.20 / 02.03.20 Porec European Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
13 27.02.20 / 02.03.20 Porec European Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
29 27.02.19 / 03.03.19 Foggia European Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
6 02.03.18 / 06.03.18 Sochi European Championships U17 Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
8 28.02.17 / 04.03.17 Plovdiv European Championships U17 Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
16 29.02.16 / 04.03.16 Novi Sad European Championships U17 Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
Starptautiskie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
8 06.12.24 / 08.12.24 Busan Busan World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
5 28.10.23 Barcelona (Sabadell) Trofeu International Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
8 02.06.23 / 04.06.23 Tbilisi World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
6 09.12.22 / 11.12.22 Belgrade Star Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
7 29.10.22 Barcelona (Sabadell) Trofeu International Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
6 15.04.22 / 18.04.22 Belgrade World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition
79 06.12.24 / 08.12.24 Busan Busan World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
104 21.11.24 / 24.11.24 Tunis Tunis World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
36 26.10.24 Barcelona Sabadell Trofeu International Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
70 01.05.24 / 03.05.24 Hongkong World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
10 01.05.24 / 03.05.24 Hongkong World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
10 19.04.24 / 21.04.24 Tbilisi World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
102 19.04.24 / 21.04.24 Tbilisi World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
132 15.03.24 / 17.03.24 Washington Grand Prix Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
108 22.02.24 / 25.02.24 Cairo National Bank of Egypt World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
14 22.02.24 / 25.02.24 Cairo National Bank of Egypt World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
138 09.02.24 / 11.02.24 Torino Trofeo INALPI Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
159 11.01.24 / 14.01.24 Paris Challenge International de Paris Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
11 11.01.24 / 14.01.24 Paris Challenge International de Paris Foil Women's Senior Komanda
37 08.12.23 / 10.12.23 Novi Sad Star Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
11 08.12.23 / 10.12.23 Novi Sad Star Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
9 21.10.23 / 22.10.23 Istanbul Satellite Tournament Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
14 30.09.23 / 01.10.23 Amsterdam SISTA-SFZ International Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
128 02.06.23 / 04.06.23 Tbilisi World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
81 19.05.23 / 21.05.23 Shanghai Grand Prix Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
101 05.05.23 / 07.05.23 Plovdiv World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
10 05.05.23 / 07.05.23 Plovdiv World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
87 17.03.23 / 19.03.23 Busan Grand Prix Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
89 23.02.23 / 26.02.23 Cairo National Bank of Egypt World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
12 23.02.23 / 26.02.23 Cairo National Bank of Egypt World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
29 10.02.23 / 12.02.23 Torino Trofeo INALPI Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
138 12.01.23 / 15.01.23 Paris Challenge International de Paris Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
9 12.01.23 / 15.01.23 Paris Challenge International de Paris Foil Women's Senior Komanda
29 09.12.22 / 11.12.22 Belgrade Star Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
76 29.04.22 / 01.05.22 Tauberbischofsheim World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
10 29.04.22 / 01.05.22 Tauberbischofsheim World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
101 15.04.22 / 18.04.22 Belgrade World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
10 25.02.22 / 27.02.22 Guadalajara World Cup Foil Women's Senior Komanda
37 25.02.22 / 27.02.22 Guadalajara World Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
87 14.01.22 / 16.01.22 Poznan The Artus Court PKQ BP Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
15 14.01.22 / 16.01.22 Poznan The Artus Court PKQ BP Foil Women's Senior Komanda
97 10.12.21 / 12.12.21 St Maur Challenge International Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
9 10.12.21 / 12.12.21 St Maur Challenge International Foil Women's Senior Komanda
30 09.10.21 / 10.10.21 Copenhagen Trekanten International - Nordic Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
14 15.02.20 / 16.02.20 Mödling Fredi Grasnek Gedächtnisturnier Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
165 07.02.20 / 09.02.20 Torino Trofeo INALPI Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
43 01.02.20 / 02.02.20 Bochum Pokal der Stadt Bochum Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
100 18.01.20 / 19.01.20 Zagreb Challenge Mazuranic Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
115 07.12.19 / 08.12.19 Bucarest World Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
23 02.11.19 London Eden Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
36 26.10.19 Barcelona (Sabadell) Trofeu International Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
12 05.10.19 / 06.10.19 Copenhagen Trekanten International Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
25 21.09.19 / 22.09.19 Bucarest Memorial Romeo Pellegrini / Tudor Petrus Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
50 16.02.19 / 17.02.19 Mödling Fredi Grasnek Gedächtnisturnier Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
22 02.02.19 / 03.02.19 Bochum Pokal der Stadt Bochum Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
32 19.01.19 / 20.01.19 Zagreb Challenge Mazuranic Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
56 03.11.18 London Eden Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
10 27.10.18 Barcelona (Sabadell) Trofeu International Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
33 24.02.18 Sabadell (Barcelona) Trofeu International Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
25 17.02.18 / 18.02.18 Mödling Fredi Grasnek Gedächtnisturnier Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
59 16.09.17 London Eden Cup Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
Zonu turnīri
Rank Date Competition
4 11.10.24 / 13.10.24 Heidenheim Coupe d'Europe Foil Women's Senior Komanda
6 06.10.23 / 08.10.23 Cagliari Coupe d'Europe Foil Women's Senior Komanda
5 11.11.22 / 13.11.22 Carrara Mediterranean Cup Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
6 30.10.22 Barcelona (Sabadell) Trofeu International Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 08.10.22 / 09.10.22 Cagliari Coupe d'Europe Foil Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition
16 06.11.22 London London Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
11 03.11.19 London Leon Paul London Foil Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
27 27.10.19 Barcelona (Sabadell) Trofeu International Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
2 23.09.19 Bucarest Coupe d'Europe Foil Women's Senior Komanda
39 04.11.18 London London Cup Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
26 28.10.18 Barcelona (Sabadell) Trofeu International Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
6 25.02.18 Sabadell (Barcelona) Trofeu International Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
45 20.01.18 / 21.01.18 Rom Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
18 11.11.17 / 12.11.17 Mödling Fredi Grasnek Kadettenturnier Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
3 14.10.17 / 15.10.17 Manchester Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
73 21.01.17 / 22.01.17 Pisa Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
104 26.11.16 / 27.11.16 Cabries Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
2 15.10.16 / 16.10.16 Manchester Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
22 05.12.15 / 06.12.15 Cabries Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Komanda
90 05.12.15 / 06.12.15 Cabries Cadet Circuit Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
Nacionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
3 08.06.24 / 09.06.24 Madrid Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 08.06.24 / 09.06.24 Madrid Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
2 23.03.24 / 24.03.24 La Roda Spanish Championships Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
1 23.03.24 / 24.03.24 La Roda Spanish Championships Foil Women's U23 Komanda
3 15.04.23 / 16.04.23 Valladolid Spanish Championships Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
1 25.06.22 / 26.06.22 Valencia Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
3 25.06.22 / 26.06.22 Valencia Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
2 20.06.21 Roa de Duero Spanish Championships Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
2 19.06.21 / 20.06.21 Roa de Duero Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
1 19.06.21 / 20.06.21 Roa de Duero Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
3 05.06.21 / 06.06.21 El Escorial Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 05.06.21 / 06.06.21 El Escorial Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
3 07.12.20 / 08.12.20 San Lorenzo de El Escorial Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 07.12.20 / 08.12.20 San Lorenzo de El Escorial Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
3 06.12.20 Madrid Spanish Championships Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
1 05.12.20 / 06.12.20 Madrid Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
1 05.12.20 / 06.12.20 Madrid Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
Rank Date Competition
3 08.06.19 / 09.06.19 San Sebastián de los Reyes Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
6 08.06.19 / 09.06.19 San Sebastián de los Reyes Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
3 17.03.19 / 18.03.19 Galapagar Spanish Championships Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
1 16.03.19 / 17.03.19 Galapagar Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
1 16.03.19 / 17.03.19 Galapagar Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
2 09.06.18 / 10.06.18 Boadilla del Monte Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 29.04.18 / 30.04.18 Chiclana de la Frontera Spanish Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
1 29.04.18 / 30.04.18 Chiclana de la Frontera Spanish Championships Foil Women's U17 Komanda
2 29.04.18 / 30.04.18 Chiclana de la Frontera Spanish Championships Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
1 17.03.18 Madrid Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
4 17.03.18 Madrid Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
2 24.06.17 / 25.06.17 Valladolid Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
2 28.05.17 / 29.05.17 Valencia Spanish Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
2 18.03.17 Madrid Spanish Championships Foil Women's U23 Individuāls
3 25.02.17 Madrid Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
12 02.07.16 / 03.07.16 El Escorial Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
1 02.07.16 / 03.07.16 El Escorial Spanish Championships Foil Women's Senior Komanda
3 20.02.16 / 21.02.16 El Escorial Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
1 20.02.16 / 21.02.16 El Escorial Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
5 30.05.15 / 31.05.15 Onda Spanish Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
2 30.05.15 / 31.05.15 Onda Spanish Championships Foil Women's U17 Komanda
3 14.02.15 / 15.02.15 Moralzarzal Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
1 14.02.15 / 15.02.15 Moralzarzal Spanish Championships Foil Women's U20 Komanda
Nacionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
8 25.03.23 Madrid National Circuit Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
24 27.10.24 Barcelona Sabadell Trofeu Sabadell Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
5 03.02.18 / 04.02.18 Paris Challenge CEP - Marathon Fleuret Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
38 04.02.17 / 05.02.17 Paris Challenge CEP - Marathon Fleuret Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
15 06.02.16 / 07.02.16 Paris Challenge CEP - Marathon Fleuret Foil Women's U15 Individuāls

Match results





Season 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022
Wins Round 12 41 49 30
Losses Round 5 28 32 18
Wins Elimination direct 1 8 14 4
Losses Elimination direct 3 10 14 8
Total hits 113 471 638 324
Average hits winning Round 5 (5 / 5) 5 (5 / 5) 5 (5 / 5) 5 (5 / 5)
Average hits losing Round 2.8 (3.5 / 2.33) 2.11 (2.06 / 2.2) 1.97 (1.95 / 2) 2.56 (3 / 2.33)
Average hits winning Elimination direct 15 (15 / 0) 15 (15 / 15) 15 (15 / 15) 15 (15 / 15)
Average hits losing Elimination direct 8 (10 / 4) 8.7 (9.25 / 8.33) 8.57 (8.33 / 8.75) 8.5 (8.8 / 8)



Rank Points Season Title Competition
201 3.5000 2024 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
54 26.8750 2023 Olympic Ranking (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
184 4.5000 2023 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
44 37.5000 2022 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
97 12.0000 2021 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
301 0.0000 2020 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
41 26.5000 2020 FIE (unofficial) Foil U20 Individuāls
324 0.0000 2019 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
82 19.0000 2019 FIE (unofficial) Foil U20 Individuāls
80 20.5000 2018 FIE (unofficial) Foil U20 Individuāls
311 0.0000 2018 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls
179 6.0000 2017 FIE (unofficial) Foil U20 Individuāls
361 0.0000 2017 FIE (unofficial) Foil Senior Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
59 4.0000 2023 EFC (unofficial) Foil U23 Individuāls
45 8.0000 2022 EFC (unofficial) Foil U23 Individuāls
39 4.0000 2021 EFC (unofficial) Foil U23 Individuāls
28 12.0000 2020 EFC (unofficial) Foil U23 Individuāls
29 20.0000 2019 EFC (unofficial) Foil U23 Individuāls
111 6.0000 2018 EFC (unofficial) Foil U23 Individuāls
45 14.0000 2017 EFC (unofficial) Foil U23 Individuāls
25 113.0000 2017 EFC (unofficial) Foil U17 Individuāls
Season Selection Discipline Federation Trainingcenter Coach


Club Type Start End  
CCC-M (ESP) Club First membership

All information is supplied without liability and all obligation. Competition results are only available for events providing digital result data to Ophardt Online.