
Regional championships
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My exams

  2015. gada 2. jūn. Turnierreifeprüfung (Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.)

Results last 48 month


Zonu turnīri
Rank Date Competition
89 13.01.24 / 14.01.24 Berlin White Bear of Berlin Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
63 14.01.23 Reutlingen allstar Cup Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
64 29.10.22 / 30.10.22 Colmar Tournoi International de Colmar Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
94 07.11.21 Heidelberg Rhein Neckar Open Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
Nacionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
55 25.05.24 / 26.05.24 Leverkusen German Championships Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
47 11.05.24 / 12.05.24 Tauberbischofsheim German Championships Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
26 06.05.23 / 07.05.23 Rüsselsheim German Championships Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
56 22.04.23 / 23.04.23 Leverkusen German Championships Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
9 22.04.23 / 23.04.23 Leverkusen German Championships Epee Women's Senior Komanda
9 22.05.22 Bonn / Berlin German Championships / The Finals Epee Women's Senior Komanda
55 30.04.22 / 01.05.22 Offenbach German Championships Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
71 18.05.19 / 19.05.19 Schwerin German Championships Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
74 11.05.19 / 12.05.19 Weinheim German Championships Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
13 11.05.19 / 12.05.19 Weinheim German Championships Foil Women's U17 Komanda
20 12.05.18 / 13.05.18 Haueneberstein German Championships Foil Women's U14+U13 Komanda
50 12.05.18 / 13.05.18 Haueneberstein German Championships Foil Women's U14 Individuāls
37 27.05.17 / 28.05.17 Halle German Championships Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
22 27.05.17 / 28.05.17 Halle German Championships Foil Women's U14+U13 Komanda
Nacionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
51 20.01.24 / 21.01.24 Osnabrück Vienna House Easy Cup Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
45 04.11.23 / 05.11.23 Offenbach Stefan-Haukler-Memoriam Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
73 28.10.23 / 29.10.23 Reutlingen allstar Cup Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
39 21.10.23 / 22.10.23 Bad Segeberg Nord-Ostsee Cup Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
68 14.10.23 / 15.10.23 Heidelberg Rhein Neckar Open Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
51 21.01.23 / 22.01.23 Tauberbischofsheim Berndt-Peltzer-Gedächtnisturnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
31 05.11.22 / 06.11.22 Heidenheim Internationales Turnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
73 15.10.22 / 16.10.22 Heidelberg Rhein Neckar Open Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
51 08.10.22 / 09.10.22 Offenbach Stefan-Haukler-Memoriam Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
58 23.10.21 / 24.10.21 Reutlingen allstar Cup Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
61 16.10.21 / 17.10.21 Bad Segeberg Nord-Ostsee Cup Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
56 09.10.21 / 10.10.21 Offenbach Stefan-Haukler-Memoriam Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
88 03.11.19 Moers International Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
59 02.11.19 Moers Sparkassen-Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
57 26.10.19 Cottbus ekays - Women's Foil Foil Women's Senior Individuāls
87 29.09.19 Jena International Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
62 21.09.19 Jena Fair Resort Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
98 18.11.18 Moers International Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
94 17.11.18 Moers Sparkassen-Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
102 30.09.18 Jena International Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
59 22.09.18 Jena Fair Resort Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
Reģionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
8 16.03.24 / 17.03.24 Solingen Championship of Nordrhein Westfalen Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
3 16.03.24 / 17.03.24 Solingen Championship of Nordrhein Westfalen Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
8 19.03.22 / 20.03.22 Leverkusen Championship of Nordrhein Westfalen Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
10 11.03.23 / 12.03.23 Solingen Championship of Nordrhein Westfalen Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
9 11.03.23 / 12.03.23 Solingen Championship of Nordrhein Westfalen Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
14 19.03.22 / 20.03.22 Leverkusen Championship of Nordrhein Westfalen Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
22 07.09.19 / 08.09.19 Moers BRENDOW-CUP Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
10 16.03.19 / 17.03.19 Duisburg Championships of Nordrhein-Westfalen Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
14 16.03.19 / 17.03.19 Duisburg Championships of Nordrhein-Westfalen Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
7 09.03.19 / 10.03.19 Arnsberg Championships of Westphalia Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
3 09.03.19 / 10.03.19 Arnsberg Championships of Westphalia Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
1 09.03.19 / 10.03.19 Arnsberg Championships of Westphalia Foil Women's U17 Komanda
4 07.07.18 / 08.07.18 Bochum NRW Youth Cup Foil Open U14+U13 Komanda
27 10.03.18 / 11.03.18 Düsseldorf Championships of Nordrhein-Westfalen Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
12 10.03.18 / 11.03.18 Düsseldorf Championships of Nordrhein-Westfalen Foil Women's U14 Individuāls
15 24.02.18 / 25.02.18 Quernheim Championships of Westfalia Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
3 23.09.17 / 24.09.17 Gütersloh Championships of Westfalia Foil Women's U14 Individuāls
3 11.03.17 / 12.03.17 Arnsberg Championships of Westfalia Foil Women's U17 Komanda
11 11.03.17 / 12.03.17 Arnsberg Championships of Westfalia Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
8 04.02.17 / 05.02.17 Duisburg Championships of Nordrhein-Westfalen Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
3 24.09.16 / 25.09.16 Gütersloh Championships of Westfalia Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
7 07.11.15 / 08.11.15 Arnsberg Championships of Westphalia Epee Women's U12 Individuāls
Reģionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
5 02.09.23 / 03.09.23 Arnsberg International Etienne-Onderbeke Tournament Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
7 02.09.23 / 03.09.23 Arnsberg International Etienne-Onderbeke Tournament Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
8 04.03.23 / 05.03.23 Hagen Ruhr-Volme-Cup Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
5 12.11.22 / 13.11.22 Kirchlengern Quernheimer Spatzenturnier 2022 Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
8 12.11.22 / 13.11.22 Kirchlengern Quernheimer Spatzenturnier 2022 Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
3 03.09.22 / 04.09.22 Arnsberg International Etienne-Onderbeke Tournament Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
6 03.09.22 / 04.09.22 Arnsberg International Etienne-Onderbeke Tournament Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
8 09.04.22 / 10.04.22 Hagen Ruhr-Volme-Cup Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
3 09.04.22 / 10.04.22 Hagen Ruhr-Volme-Cup Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
4 02.04.22 Paderborn Young Champions Trophy Germany Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
3 26.02.22 Paderborn Young Champions Trophy Germany Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
8 29.01.22 / 30.01.22 Leverkusen Epee Cup of Leverkusen Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
7 27.11.21 / 28.11.21 Krefeld Memoriam Lajos-Csire Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
9 27.01.24 / 28.01.24 Bonn Epee of Bonn Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
10 04.03.23 / 05.03.23 Hagen Ruhr-Volme-Cup Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
13 26.11.22 / 27.11.22 Krefeld Memoriam Lajos-Csire Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
27 15.02.20 / 16.02.20 Mülheim an der Ruhr International Tournament Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
26 15.02.20 / 16.02.20 Mülheim an der Ruhr International Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
6 14.09.19 / 15.09.19 Münster International Tournament Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
16 14.09.19 / 15.09.19 Münster International Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
22 07.09.19 / 08.09.19 Moers BRENDOW-CUP Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
3 25.05.19 / 26.05.19 Recklinghausen Ruhrfechtspiele Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
5 16.02.19 / 17.02.19 Bochum Hammer and chisel Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
3 15.12.18 / 16.12.18 Bocholt Maestro's KLUP Challenge Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
19 08.09.18 / 09.09.18 Bonn Foil of Bonn Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
3 01.09.18 / 02.09.18 Arnsberg International Etienne-Onderbeke Tournament Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
6 07.04.18 / 08.04.18 Bochum Tournament Graf Engelbert Foil Women's U14 Individuāls
9 17.02.18 / 18.02.18 Bochum Hammer and chisel Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
6 10.02.18 / 11.02.18 Burgsteinfurt Cup of Bagno Foil Women's U14 Individuāls
31 16.12.17 / 17.12.17 Bocholt Maestros Klup Challenge Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
6 11.11.17 / 12.11.17 Duisburg Tiger + Turtle Foil Women's U14 Individuāls
3 02.09.17 / 03.09.17 Arnsberg International Tournament Foil Women's U14 Individuāls
9 29.04.17 / 30.04.17 Burgsteinfurt Cup of Bagno Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
3 01.04.17 / 02.04.17 Bochum Tournament Graf Engelbert Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
2 18.03.17 / 19.03.17 Mülheim an der Ruhr International Tournament Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
11 18.02.17 / 19.02.17 Bochum Hammer and chisel Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
5 03.09.16 / 04.09.16 Arnsberg International Tournament Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
19 30.01.16 / 31.01.16 Solingen Sword of Solingen Epee Women's U12 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
2 16.04.22 Lemgo Young Champions Trophy Germany Finale Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
5 06.10.18 / 07.10.18 Hagen Ruhr-Volme-Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
21 09.12.17 / 10.12.17 Duisburg Nikolaus Cup Foil Women's U17 Individuāls
6 09.12.17 / 10.12.17 Duisburg Nikolaus Cup Foil Women's U14 Individuāls
1 07.10.17 / 08.10.17 Kirchlengern Youth Tournament Foil Women's U14+U13 Individuāls
10 15.06.17 / 17.06.17 Hagen Ruhr Games Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
9 10.12.16 / 11.12.16 Bocholt Maestros Klup Challenge Foil Women's U14+U13 Individuāls
3 03.12.16 / 04.12.16 Duisburg Nikolaus Cup Foil Women's U13 Individuāls
4 26.11.16 / 27.11.16 Bochum Sparda-Bank Team Cup Foil Open U14+U13 Komanda
12 16.04.16 / 17.04.16 Bochum Tournament Graf Engelbert Epee Women's U12 Individuāls
6 02.04.16 / 03.04.16 Bochum Cup Sparda Epee Women's U12 Individuāls
7 05.03.16 / 06.03.16 Burgsteinfurt Cup of Bagno Epee Women's U12 Individuāls

Match results




Season 2023/2024 2022/2023
Wins Round 39 41
Losses Round 35 39
Wins Elimination direct 5 11
Losses Elimination direct 12 17
Total hits 473 634
Average hits winning Round 4.87 (4.89 / 4.86) 4.98 (4.95 / 5)
Average hits losing Round 2.63 (2.95 / 2.14) 2.49 (2.42 / 2.55)
Average hits winning Elimination direct 14.8 (14.5 / 15) 15 (15 / 15)
Average hits losing Elimination direct 9.75 (10.25 / 9.5) 9.88 (8.67 / 11.25)



Rank Points Season Title Competition
236 1.0000 2023 EFC (unofficial) Epee U23 Individuāls
140 4.0000 2022 EFC (unofficial) Epee U23 Individuāls
128 1.0000 2021 EFC (unofficial) Epee U23 Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
128 0.0000 2024 Deutsche Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
52 4.6000 2023 Deutsche Rangliste Epee U20 Individuāls
80 0.0000 2023 Deutsche Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
39 2.0000 2022 Deutsche Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
38 8.4000 2022 Deutsche Rangliste Epee U20 Individuāls
56 2.0000 2021 Deutsche Rangliste Epee U20 Individuāls
106 0.0000 2021 Deutsche Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
37 0.4000 2020 Deutsche Rangliste Foil U17 Individuāls
70 0.2000 2020 Deutsche Rangliste Foil U20 Individuāls
74 1.0000 2019 Deutsche Rangliste Foil U20 Individuāls
59 2.0000 2019 Nominierungs-Rangliste EM/WM Foil U17 Individuāls
59 2.2000 2019 Deutsche Rangliste Foil U17 Individuāls
77 1.0000 2018 Nominierungs-Rangliste EM/WM Foil U17 Individuāls
86 1.0000 2018 Deutsche Rangliste Foil U17 Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
15 29.0000 2024 NRW-Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
6 18.0000 2024 Westfälische Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
17 34.0000 2023 NRW-Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
12 42.0000 2023 NRW-Rangliste Epee U20 Individuāls
3 50.0000 2023 Westfälische Rangliste Epee U20 Individuāls
4 42.0000 2023 Westfälische Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
3 41.0000 2022 Westfälische Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
12 59.0000 2022 NRW-Rangliste Epee U20 Individuāls
13 35.0000 2022 NRW-Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
2 71.0000 2022 Westfälische Rangliste Epee U20 Individuāls
4 48.0000 2021 Westfälische Rangliste Epee U20 Individuāls
4 41.0000 2021 Westfälische Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
3 32.0000 2020 Westfälische Rangliste Foil U17 Individuāls
5 6.0000 2020 Westfälische Rangliste Foil U20 Individuāls
14 18.0000 2020 Rheinische Rangliste Foil U20 Individuāls
9 37.0000 2019 Rheinische Rangliste Foil U17 Individuāls
13 25.0000 2019 Rheinische Rangliste Foil U20 Individuāls
25 5.0000 2019 Rheinische Rangliste Foil Senior Individuāls
5 34.0000 2018 Westfälische Rangliste Foil U20 Individuāls
3 48.0000 2018 Westfälische Rangliste Foil U17 Individuāls
4 22.0000 2017 Westfälische Rangliste Foil U15 Individuāls
15 5.0000 2017 Westfälische Rangliste Foil U17 Individuāls
Season Selection Discipline Federation Trainingcenter Coach
2023/2024 Landeskader Epee Westfälischer Fechter Bund e.V. Landesstützpunkt Bielefeld
2022/2023 Landeskader Epee Westfälischer Fechter Bund e.V. Landesstützpunkt Bielefeld
2021/2022 Landeskader Epee Westfälischer Fechter Bund e.V. Landesstützpunkt Bielefeld


Club Type Start End  
Quernheimer FC (GER) Club 2021. gada 1. aug. First membership
TSC Eintr. Dortmund (GER) Club 2020. gada 1. aug. 2021. gada 31. jūl. Inactive
OFC Bonn (GER) Club 2019. gada 1. aug. 2020. gada 31. jūl. Inactive
[i] FC im VfL Bochum (GER) Club 2016. gada 1. aug. 2019. gada 31. jūl. Inactive
Dortmunder TG (GER) Club 2015. gada 19. aug. 2016. gada 31. jūl. Inactive

All information is supplied without liability and all obligation. Competition results are only available for events providing digital result data to Ophardt Online.