
National Championships
5 4 3
Regional championships
1 1 1

Results last 48 month


Starptautiskie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
73 06.04.19 / 14.04.19 Torun World Championships Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
40 01.04.18 / 10.04.18 Verona World Championships Cadets/Juniors Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
51 01.04.17 / 10.04.17 Plovdiv World Championships Cadets/Juniors Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
65 01.04.16 / 10.04.16 Bourges World Championships Cadets/Juniors Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
Zonu čempionāts
Rank Date Competition
62 27.02.19 / 03.03.19 Foggia European Championships Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
52 02.03.18 / 06.03.18 Sochi European Championships U17 Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
12 02.03.18 / 06.03.18 Sochi European Championships U17 Epee Women's U17 Komanda
73 28.02.17 / 04.03.17 Plovdiv European Championships U17 Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
16 29.02.16 / 04.03.16 Novi Sad European Championships U17 Epee Women's U17 Komanda
78 29.02.16 / 04.03.16 Novi Sad European Championships U17 Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
Starptautiskie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
23 01.02.20 / 02.02.20 Bratislava Grand Prix Bratislava Epee Women's U20 Komanda
130 01.02.20 / 02.02.20 Bratislava Grand Prix Bratislava Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
122 04.01.20 / 06.01.20 Udine Alpe Adria Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
175 14.12.19 / 15.12.19 Burgos Ciudad de Burgos Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
195 23.11.19 / 24.11.19 Laupheim Uhlmann-Cup Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
104 16.02.19 / 17.02.19 Dijon Tournoi de la ville de Dijon Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
123 02.02.19 / 03.02.19 Bratislava Grand Prix Bratislava Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
126 05.01.19 / 06.01.19 Udine Alpe Adria Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
32 15.12.18 / 16.12.18 Burgos Ciudad de Burgos Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
121 01.12.18 / 02.12.18 Luxembourg Challenge Dr. Emile Gretsch / Colette Flesch Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
143 06.01.18 / 07.01.18 Udine Alpe Adria Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
109 14.10.17 / 15.10.17 Laupheim Uhlmann-Cup Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
116 04.02.17 / 05.02.17 Espoo (Helsinki) Young Lions Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
123 07.01.17 / 08.01.17 Dijon Tournoi de la ville de Dijon Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
99 15.10.16 / 16.10.16 Laupheim Uhlmann-Cup Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
Zonu turnīri
Rank Date Competition
0A 11.01.25 / 12.01.25 Berlin White Bear of Berlin Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
46 07.12.24 / 08.12.24 Luxemburg European Circuit Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
32 26.11.22 / 27.11.22 Luxemburg European Circuit Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
35 29.10.22 / 30.10.22 Klagenfurt Cup of Wörthersee Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
97 02.11.19 / 03.11.19 Colmar Tournoi International de Colmar Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
79 03.11.18 / 04.11.18 Colmar Tournoi International de Colmar Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
112 27.01.18 / 28.01.18 Krakow Wawel Dragon Trophy Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
212 12.01.18 / 14.01.18 Bratislava Coupe du Danube Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
30 09.12.17 / 10.12.17 Grenoble World Challenge Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
22 11.11.17 / 12.11.17 Heidenheim Kneipp Cup Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
35 28.10.17 / 29.10.17 Klagenfurt Trofeo Maestro Dario Codarin Epee Women's U17 Komanda
69 28.10.17 / 29.10.17 Klagenfurt Trofeo Maestro Dario Codarin Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
49 07.10.17 / 08.10.17 Zrenjanin Zrenjanin Open Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
26 23.09.17 / 24.09.17 Genève Geneva Flo Fencing Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
107 21.01.17 / 22.01.17 Luxembourg Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
40 13.01.17 / 15.01.17 Bratislava Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
50 10.12.16 / 11.12.16 Copenhagen Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
87 26.11.16 / 27.11.16 Grenoble Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
62 12.11.16 / 13.11.16 Heidenheim Cadet Circuit Kneipp Cup Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
141 29.10.16 / 30.10.16 Klagenfurt Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
36 29.10.16 / 30.10.16 Klagenfurt Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Komanda
36 08.10.16 / 09.10.16 Genève Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
43 23.01.16 / 24.01.16 Bratislava Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
142 08.01.16 / 10.01.16 Krakow Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
101 12.12.15 / 13.12.15 Copenhagen Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
133 14.11.15 / 15.11.15 Heidenheim Cadet Circuit Mc Donalds Cup Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
163 31.10.15 / 01.11.15 Klagenfurt Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
16 31.10.15 / 01.11.15 Klagenfurt Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Komanda
53 26.09.15 / 27.09.15 Zrenjanin Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
109 13.12.14 / 14.12.14 Copenhagen Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
213 15.11.14 / 16.11.14 Heidenheim Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
117 25.10.14 / 26.10.14 Klagenfurt Cadet Circuit Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
Nacionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
18 03.06.21 / 06.06.21 Graz Österreichische Staatsmeisterschaft Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
1 16.03.19 / 17.03.19 Salzburg Österreichische Meisterschaft Epee Women's U20 Komanda
15 16.03.19 / 17.03.19 Salzburg Österreichische Meisterschaft Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
17 16.03.19 / 17.03.19 Salzburg Österreichische Meisterschaft Foil Women's U20 Individuāls
3 09.06.18 / 10.06.18 Wels Österreichische U17 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
14 02.06.18 / 03.06.18 Salzburg Österreichische Staatsmeisterschaft Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
2 17.03.18 / 18.03.18 Graz Österreichische U20 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U20 Komanda
1 17.03.18 / 18.03.18 Graz Österreichische U20 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
1 10.06.17 / 11.06.17 Graz Österreichische U17 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U17 Komanda
1 10.06.17 / 11.06.17 Graz Österreichische U17 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
2 18.03.17 / 19.03.17 Linz Österreichische U20 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U20 Komanda
12 18.03.17 / 19.03.17 Linz Österreichische U20 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
17 28.05.16 / 29.05.16 Salzburg Österreichische Staatsmeisterschaft Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
2 07.05.16 / 08.05.16 Graz Österreichische U17 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
3 12.03.16 / 13.03.16 Linz Österreichische U20 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U20 Komanda
8 12.03.16 / 13.03.16 Linz Österreichische U20 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
1 27.06.15 / 28.06.15 Vöcklabruck Österreichische Jugend Meisterschaft Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
5 09.05.15 / 10.05.15 Salzburg Österreichische U17 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
14 14.03.15 / 15.03.15 Graz Österreichische U20 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
3 31.05.14 / 01.06.14 Vöcklabruck Österreichische Jugend Meisterschaft Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
13 10.05.14 / 11.05.14 Wels Österreichische U17 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
2 10.05.14 / 11.05.14 Wels Österreichische U17 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U17 Komanda
25 15.03.14 / 16.03.14 Graz Österreichische U20 Meisterschaft Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
Nacionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
54 19.10.24 / 20.10.24 Reutlingen allstar Cup Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
71 14.10.23 / 15.10.23 Heidelberg Rhein Neckar Open Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
69 15.10.22 / 16.10.22 Heidelberg Rhein Neckar Open Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
2 07.12.19 / 08.12.19 Linz Schneeflocken-Turnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
10 19.10.19 / 20.10.19 Linz Victor Artemtschuk Memorial Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
50 27.10.18 / 28.10.18 Heidelberg Rhein-Neckar-Open Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
6 20.10.18 / 21.10.18 Linz Victor Artemtschuk Memorial Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
6 05.05.18 / 06.05.18 Klagenfurt Alpe Adria Fechtturnier Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
3 05.05.18 / 06.05.18 Klagenfurt Alpe Adria Fechtturnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
35 25.11.17 / 26.11.17 Friedrichshafen Zeppelin Cup Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
1 25.11.17 / 26.11.17 Feldkirch Internationales Monfort Turnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
1 30.09.17 / 01.10.17 Linz Victor Artemtschuk Memorial Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
3 30.09.17 / 01.10.17 Linz Victor Artemtschuk Memorial Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
6 19.11.16 / 20.11.16 Feldkirch Internationales Monfort Turnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
16 19.11.16 / 20.11.16 Feldkirch Internationales Monfort Turnier Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
7 01.10.16 / 02.10.16 Linz Intern. Herbstturnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
9 21.11.15 / 22.11.15 Feldkirch Internationales Monfort Turnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
11 10.10.15 / 11.10.15 Linz Intern. Herbstturnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
20 12.09.15 / 14.09.15 Zug CNJ Challenge Hardy Stocker Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
3 02.05.15 / 03.05.15 Klagenfurt Alpen Adria Jugendturnier Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
1 11.04.15 / 12.04.15 Treibach Int. Auer von Welsbach Jugend Cup Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
5 26.04.14 / 27.04.14 Klagenfurt Alpen Adria Jugendturnier Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
18 23.11.13 / 24.11.13 Feldkirch Internationales Monfort Turnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
24 12.10.13 / 13.10.13 Linz Intern. Herbstturnier Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
60 21.09.13 / 22.09.13 Lugano CNJ Lugano Challenge Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
7 27.04.13 / 28.04.13 Klagenfurt Alpen Adria Jugendturnier Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
11 27.04.13 / 28.04.13 Klagenfurt Alpen Adria Jugendturnier Epee Women's U12-U9 Individuāls
3 31.03.12 / 01.04.12 Treibach Int. Auer von Welsbach Jugend Cup Epee Women's U12-U9 Individuāls
Reģionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
1 01.07.23 / 02.07.23 Kaufbeuren Bayerische Mannschaftsmeisterschaft Epee Women's Senior Komanda
2 01.07.23 / 02.07.23 Kaufbeuren Bayerische Mannschaftsmeisterschaft Foil Women's Senior Komanda
3 04.03.23 / 05.03.23 Nürnberg Bayerische Degen Meisterschaften Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
7 10.12.22 / 11.12.22 Dornbirn Championship of Vorarlberg Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
Reģionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
1 19.11.22 München Tournament Franz Hofer Memorial Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
19 28.05.16 / 29.05.16 Lugano CNJ Coppa Citta di Lugano Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
10 17.10.15 / 18.10.15 Biel Bienne Prona Masters Bienne Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
6 23.05.15 / 24.05.15 Lugano CNJ Coppa Citta di Lugano Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
3 04.10.14 / 05.10.14 Genf Circuit National Jeunesse Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
36 24.05.14 / 25.05.14 Lugano CNJ Coppa Citta di Lugano Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
15 22.03.14 / 23.03.14 Bern CNJ L´Ours de Berne Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
7 09.11.13 / 10.11.13 St. Gallen Circuit National Jeunesse Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
33 19.10.13 / 20.10.13 Biel Bienne CNJ Challenge du Lac Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
21 21.09.13 / 22.09.13 Lugano CNJ Lugano Challenge Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
1 22.06.13 / 23.06.13 Vöcklabruck Österreichische Jugend Meisterschaft Epee Women's U12-U9 Individuāls
22 25.05.13 / 26.05.13 Lugano CNJ Coppa Citta di Lugano Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
2 13.10.12 / 14.10.12 Biel Bienne CNJ Challenge du Lac Epee Women's U12 Individuāls
5 23.06.12 / 24.06.12 Vöcklabruck Österreichische Jugend Meisterschaft Epee Women's U12-U9 Individuāls
11 18.06.11 / 19.06.11 Vöcklabruck Österreichische Meisterschaft Jugend Epee Women's U12-U9 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
1 23.07.22 / 24.07.22 Feldkirchen Int. Championships of Upper Bavaria Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
3 04.06.22 / 06.06.22 Heidelberg German University Championships Epee Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition
11 15.10.22 / 16.10.22 Heidelberg Rhein Neckar Open Epee Women's Senior Komanda
19 04.06.22 / 06.06.22 Heidelberg German University Championships Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
3 29.09.19 Ravensburg International FAR Cup Epee Women's Senior Individuāls
13 10.06.18 Friedrichshafen International Epee Tournament Epee Open Senior Komanda
1 01.10.16 / 02.10.16 Linz Intern. Herbstturnier Epee Women's U20 Komanda
21 04.06.16 Friedrichshafen Internationales Degenturnier Epee Open Senior Komanda
1 13.06.15 St. Gallen Int. IBF Jugendliga Turnier Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
1 18.04.15 Friedrichshafen Int. IBF Jugendliga Turnier Epee Women's U14+U13 Individuāls
7 18.05.13 Tauberbischofsheim Rudorfer Dach Cup Epee Women's U14+U13 Individuāls
3 17.11.12 / 18.11.12 St. Gallen Circuit National Jeunesse Epee Women's U12 Individuāls
2 24.03.12 Friedrichshafen Int. IBF Jugendliga Turnier Epee Women's U12 Individuāls
National Cup
Rank Date Competition
1 22.06.24 Esslingen Cup of Germany Epee Women's Senior Komanda
7 03.06.23 Duisburg Cup of Germany Foil Women's Senior Komanda
Rank Date Competition

Match results





Season 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023
Wins Round 5 0 12
Losses Round 6 0 9
Wins Elimination direct 1 0 8
Losses Elimination direct 2 1 4
Total hits 82 14 231
Average hits winning Round 5 (5 / 5) 5 (5 / 5)
Average hits losing Round 3.17 (2.67 / 3.67) 2.22 (2 / 2.33)
Average hits winning Elimination direct 15 (0 / 15) 15 (15 / 15)
Average hits losing Elimination direct 11.5 (0 / 11.5) 14 (0 / 14) 7.75 (6.5 / 9)



Rank Points Season Title Competition
280 0.7500 2020 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls
241 3.2500 2019 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls
177 7.5000 2018 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls
411 0.0000 2017 FIE (unofficial) Epee U20 Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
93 6.0000 2022 EFC (unofficial) Epee U23 Individuāls
321 1.0000 2020 EFC (unofficial) Epee U23 Individuāls
356 1.0000 2019 EFC (unofficial) Epee U23 Individuāls
320 1.0000 2018 EFC (unofficial) Epee U23 Individuāls
70 48.0000 2017 EFC (unofficial) Epee U17 Individuāls


Rank Points Season Title Competition
19 8.0000 2024 Bayerische Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
28 4.0000 2023 Bayerische Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
3 32.0000 2022 Bayerische Rangliste Epee Senior Individuāls
Season Selection Discipline Federation Trainingcenter Coach


Club Type Start End  
MTV München (GER) Club 2021. gada 1. nov. First membership
FTS Dornbirn (AUT) Club First membership

All information is supplied without liability and all obligation. Competition results are only available for events providing digital result data to Ophardt Online.