My exams

  2015. gada 31. dec. Turnierreifeprüfung (Deutscher Fechter-Bund e.V.)

Results last 48 month


Nacionālie čempionāti
Rank Date Competition
50 27.05.17 / 28.05.17 Neheim German Championships Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
4 27.05.17 / 28.05.17 Neheim German Championships Epee Women's U14+U13 Komanda
13 22.04.17 / 23.04.17 Augsburg German Championships Epee Women's U17 Komanda
67 22.04.17 / 23.04.17 Augsburg German Championships Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
24 18.06.16 / 19.06.16 Solingen German Championships Epee Women's U13 Individuāls
Nacionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
97 10.12.16 / 11.12.16 Bonn International Tournament Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
141 22.10.16 Solingen Cup Windmühlenmesser Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
134 05.12.15 Bonn International Tournament Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
152 26.09.15 / 27.09.15 Solingen Cup Windmühlenmesser Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
Reģionālie turnīri
Rank Date Competition
5 18.03.17 / 19.03.17 Frankfurt Kleiner Bembel Epee Women's U14 Individuāls
2 18.02.17 / 19.02.17 Kaiserslautern Memorial Victor Schwarz Epee Women's U14+U13 Individuāls
5 18.02.17 / 19.02.17 Kaiserslautern Memorial Victor Schwarz Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
2 12.11.16 / 13.11.16 Ludwigshafen - Friesenheim Memoriam Ed. Krapp Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
2 11.06.16 / 12.06.16 Homburg Cup Omlor Epee Women's U17 Individuāls
10 19.03.16 / 20.03.16 Ravenstein Qualification Tournament Baden Nord Epee Women's U13 Individuāls
5 27.02.16 / 28.02.16 Kaiserslautern Memorial Victor Schwarz Epee Women's U20 Individuāls
2 27.02.16 / 28.02.16 Kaiserslautern Memorial Victor Schwarz Epee Women's U14+U13 Individuāls
5 21.02.16 Frankfurt Kleiner Bembel Epee Women's U13 Individuāls
1 30.01.16 / 31.01.16 Friesenheim Little Owl Cup Epee Women's U14+U13 Individuāls
6 17.01.15 / 18.01.15 Frankfurt Kleiner Bembel Epee Women's U12 Individuāls
3 18.01.14 / 19.01.14 Backnang Backnanger Schüler- und Jugenddegen Epee Women's U11 Individuāls
3 09.03.13 Bonn Goldbären-Cup Epee Women's U10 Individuāls
8 19.01.13 / 20.01.13 Frankfurt Kleiner Bembel Epee Women's U10 Individuāls
Rank Date Competition
5 12.10.13 / 13.10.13 Saarbrücken Pokalturnier um das Stadtwappen Epee Women's U12+U11 Individuāls
4 07.09.13 / 08.09.13 Saarbrücken St. Ingberter Schüler-Pokal Epee Mixed U12+U11 Individuāls
5 30.09.12 Saarbrücken Pokalturnier um das Stadtwappen Epee Women's U12-U10 Individuāls

Match results

Wins Round
Losses Round
Wins Elimination direct
Losses Elimination direct
Total hits
Average hits winning Round
Average hits losing Round
Average hits winning Elimination direct
Average hits losing Elimination direct


Season Selection Discipline Federation Trainingcenter Coach


Club Type Start End  
TG Rohrbach (GER) Club 2012. gada 28. okt. First membership

All information is supplied without liability and all obligation. Competition results are only available for events providing digital result data to Ophardt Online.