

Kwa Zulu Natal: 2023

discipline gender ageclass category calculated-on
Fioretto Open U20 Individual 30.10.2023. 09:26
yob rankingtype nationtype samepoints transferred points
2003 - 2009 Rolling (1:1) LicNation-only best result

rank points initial name nation clubs yob 29.10.2023 Hillcrest (U20)
Kwa Zulu Natal Championships
1 24 0 RSA KN Midlands Fencing Academy 2007 24
2 20 0 RSA RSA KN Midlands Fencing Academy 2006 20


    title city nation date ageclass group pointrule nations multiplicator replaced deleted Ges same federation
1 Kwa Zulu Natal #1 Maestro RSA 05.03.2023 05.03.2023 U20 1 KZN 0 1 0 0
2 Kwa Zulu Natal #3 University of Kwa Zulu Natal RSA 27.08.2023 27.08.2023 U20 1 KZN 0 1 0 0
3 Kwa Zulu Natal #3 University of Kwa Zulu Natal RSA 27.08.2023 27.08.2023 U20 1 KZN 0 1 0 0
4 Kwa Zulu Natal Championships Hillcrest RSA 29.10.2023 29.10.2023 U20 1 KZN 1 1 2 2

For any questions regarding this ranking please contact:
Louise Lombard -

